DLG-Verlag was founded in 1952 as a subsidiary of DLG e.V. (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft - German Agricultural Society) with its headquarter in Frankfurt/ Germany. The publishing company provides expertise for the agricultural and food sector.
With its subsidiaries Max-Eyth-Verlag and DLG-Agrofood Medien GmbH the DLG-Verlag offers books and magazines, as well as catalogs of the DLG's international DLG exhibitions.
Displaying 196 - 200 of 316Population dynamics and rural development in Burkina Faso
Labour migration, primarily to Côte d’Ivoire, masked the high rate of natural population growth in Burkina Faso for many years. However, since a political crisis began in this neighbouring country in late 1999, many Burkinabe have returned home. This posed major challenges, especially for rural areas. In the south of the country, shrewd population policy and appropriate rural development programmes have been e? ective in meeting these challenges.
The role of local migration in African development
Surveys over several years in the Kagera region of Tanzania have shown that migration has a positive impact on people's living standards, even for those who remain in agriculture. On the other hand, there is evidence of migrants ending up in unfavourable social environments and perhaps even that the traditional home communities are protecting their livelihood and survival by setting up subtle exit barriers, in the form of norms, preventing migration of their most productive members. So, should migration be encouraged at all costs?
Adapting African agriculture to climate change
Climate change is one of the major threats to the development of rural Africa, and without wide-ranging adaptation strategies the challenge it presents cannot be met. Although appropriate measures have been identi? ed, international funding for adaptation has not materialised at the rate that was pledged. This is irresponsibly delaying the implementation of adaptation measures.
International migration flows: key data and trends
Migration is a huge phenomenon. The share of migrants in industrial countries’ populations doubled over the past three decades, and remittances ? ows to developing countries are larger than foreign investment or overseas aid. In many developing countries the percentage of the population working abroad and the percentage of Global Domestic Product (GDP) represented by remittances run into double digits.
Female migration: cultural and social change in Bangladesh
The debate about the e? ects of migration is still centred on economic aspects. However, the return of migrants also changes the society and cultures of their country of origin. These changes are particularly pronounced where women have emigrated and return to their communities after several years’ absence.