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Community Organizations Solidaridad
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+31 (0)30 275 9450


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Solidaridad Network
International Secretariat
't Goylaan 15, 3525 AA
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Working languages

The Solidaridad Network is an international civil society organisation founded in 1969. Its main objective is facilitating the development of socially responsible, ecologically sound and profitable supply chains. It operates through nine regional expertise centers in over 50 countries. Solidaridad seeks to transform production practices to promote fair and profitable livelihoods and business opportunities, decent working conditions and a fair living wage. Solidaridad without depleting the landscapes where people live and thrive.



Displaying 11 - 15 of 16

Acting Now for Food Security and Resilient Food Systems


Africa is currently facing severe food insecurity, with low agricultural productivity being one of the root causes. Factors such as limited access to quality inputs, inadequate extension services, lack of finance, and post-harvest handling issues contribute to low agricultural productivity. Food insecurity is exacerbated by economic, political and demographic shocks, including the war in Ukraine, which has caused rising food and energy prices and lower yields in 2022. Climate change further intensifies food insecurity, with extreme weather events such as droughts and floods impacting crop and livestock production and access to markets. Conflict and insecurity are also major drivers of acute food security issues, leading to population displacement and disrupted livelihoods, depriving people of income sources. Action is needed to relieve acute food insecurity, whilst at the same time structurally transforming food systems. Farmers’ Organisations and its member farmers play a critical role in obtaining this, as they contribute not only to food production, but also to sustained economic growth and climate change mitigation. The Acting Now for Food Security and Resilient Food Systems programme, with funding from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (specifically IGG), builds upon its existing strategic partnership with DDE by reinforcing and expanding its efforts on food security, contributing to a more measurable impact on SGD 2 (Zero Hunger). It contributes to improved food and nutrition security (FNS) at the individual farmer level and fosters systemic change in the food system through a total of 82 Farmer Organisations in Burkina Faso, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda. As per Agriterra’s core business, Acting Now will work with and through Farmers’ Organisations and cooperatives to build resilient food systems and to make a sustainable change in the lives of smallholder farmers and their communities. Key Activities Acting Now aims to boost productivity, improving incomes and sustainable land management practices through the following key activities: - Trainings and peer-to-peer activities on FNS related topics, such as Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Regenerative Agriculture, productivity increase at specific value chains and production of compost and bio-inputs. - Establishment of demo plots to promote and train farmers on new or improved farming practices and technologies. - Offering sustainable services through a tailored approach per country that ensures access to seeds, fertilisers, planting material, agri-inputs and extension services. - Strengthening extension services by co-financing the salary of extension officers and agronomists at the FO through Agriterra’s Jobs Jobs Jobs approach - Co-financing investments and innovations to boost agricultural productivity and food security.


Placeholder text G0103 objectives description

Target Groups

Farmers' Organisations and its member farmers

Golden Line


The Golden Line programme strives to make mining policies and practices more gender-sensitive, increase women’s agency and create a supportive local environment, addressing practical and strategic barriers to women’s economic empowerment in ASGM communities in Ghana and Tanzania. Enhanced agency and control over their reproductive rights will contribute to women’s increased control over other resources. As other aspects, such as education and land ownership, are also crucial we will link with relevant actors addressing these barriers, and networks addressing improved gender equality in mining. The Golden Line programme applies three cross-cutting strategies: building women’s voice and agency to claim their rights; positive male involvement; and engaging communities to challenge existing gender norms and enhance social accountability.


1. Improved working conditions, including health and safety and equal pay for equal work, for women working in ASGM. 2. Increased abilities to engage in economic activities for all women in ASGM communities.

Target Groups

Women working in artisanal and small-scale gold mines (ASGMs) and surrounding communities

Supporting Smallholder Rubber Farmers


Background to the role of smallholder rubber farmingSmallholder operations have the potential to be more environmental friendly and efficient in comparison with large-scale plantations. Nevertheless in practice this is often not the case and inefficient use of pesticides and fertilizers is observed.Smallholders could achieve higer levels of productivity (yields per ha) in the rubber sector if the smallholders use quality planting stock (clones) and good agricultural practices. The challenges for smallholders are to access high quality clones and to carry out proper maintenance and tapping practices. Furthermore most smallholder farmers are not creditworthy due to the insecurity of land rights which leads to a lack of collateral for loans. Also access to the market from a simple logistic point of view until meeting the quality parameters of the international markets are serious hurdles for rubber smallholders in Myanmar.Therefore rubber smallholders are in need of support to achieve better yields income and market access. Myanmar is still in the process of defining its development path in the rubber sector due to the recent opening and political transition. Due to an increasing demand combinated with an huge potential rubber production in Myanmar is expanding rapidly.In Southern Myanmar the smallholder model is still more prevalent. However more large- scale rubber concessions linked to foreign investment have been granted since 2010. In total more than 400 000 smallholders farmers are involved in rubber production and smallholders with plantations of less than eight hectares represent more than 90% of all plantations in the country. Smallholders are complaining about low prices on the one hand and increasing production costs on the other which is reducing their incomes. As rubber plantations are perennial producers cannot easily switch to other crops. Currently most smallholder farmers have no other option than to sell the traders at the given price.In 2013 the International Rubber Study Group (IRSG) has launched a project on the ‘Sustainable Natural Rubber initiative (SNRi)’ in which representatives of industry and production work together along the entire value chain. These include the five largest tyre manufacturers and the European Tyre and Rubber Association. Criteria and guidelines were developed to improve the productivity and quality of natural rubber.For individual smallholders certification of sustainable natural rubber is costly and complex but the monitoring of single farmers in a certain small geographical area could be an option to explore. Strengthening participation possibilities for smallholder organizations is key to success in this regard.


The objectives of the consultancy are (1) to train small farmers for knowledge in the value chain cooperative organizational management (2) to coach farmers’ organization to perceive organizational behaviour business plan development and cooperative management and (3) to monitor and evaluate their own organization through specific financial policy.Main OutcomesThe main outcome of Agriterra’s activities within WWF’s project on Sustainable Rubber is to establish build and strengthen rubber farmer cooperatives. By the end of Agriterra’s intervention we can measure the number of established and operational farmer groups:By April 2022 21 farmer groups have been established strengthened (by being trained on Organizational Capacity Value Creation Lobby amp; Advocacy Record Keeping and Marketing) and operationalised. Also one of the main outcomes will be the strengthening of TRPPA and the Rubber Stakeholders Committee:By April 2022 TRPPA and the Rubber Stakeholders Committee have been trained on Organizational Capacity Marketing and Lobby amp; Advocacy and are implementing these lessons learned. Other outcome envisioned are:Higher yields and better quality products for farmers and groups trained in record keeping value creation and organisation amp; governance (MyCoop). Individual (lead) farmers will be enabled to implement lessons learned and best practices to achieve better yields. This will result in higher incomes for trained farmers as a result of improved margins on rubber production. These interventions will support the technical trainings aimed at yield and quality improvement as planned by WWF.Better access to markets and finance as a result of the trainings in marketing and lobby amp; advocacy. This will strengthen the capacities of participants in order to achieve higher incomes for their products and will result in additional support for the rubber smallholders through government support and private sector investments.A more efficient transparant and more inclusive rubber value chain will be established in the project areas as a result of trainings on value creation and providing farmer groups with a better understanding of possible cost-cutting or value addition activities as a group. For example by establishing collective smokehouses or nurseries farmers can be increase their margins and attract new capital.


Scoping amp; AssessmentAgriterra has developed a Scoping Tool and Cooperative Assessment Tool to collect analyse and monitor the needs of an individual farmers’ organisation. This management and organisations tool will be used to assess strenghts weaknesses opportunities and threats and addresses potential challenges and bottlenecks. The scoping tool is a quick scan of the current situation of a cooperative or an organisation where the Cooperative Assessment dives deeper into the current situation in terms of the financial situation member commitment and governance structures. At the same it offersan in-depth analysis of the current and future business case of the organisation in terms of value chain service delivery to members marketing and risks. The scoping and cooperative assessment provides important inputs for a common long-term goal and an action plan to be drafted together with the particular farmers’ organisation. The action plan results in trainings support and activities for the cooperative to implement with regular follow up visits by Agriterra’s Business Advisors.My COOP TrainingThis training is designed to strengthen the management of agricultural cooperatives so they can offer high quality efficient and effective services to their members. Participants will gain knowledge on how to cater to member needs business opportunities and social considerations. The direct beneficiaries of this training are lead farmers extension workers managers of agricultural cooperatives. Indirect beneficiaries of this training are employees and members of the farmer group and the local community. The training outcomes in termsof additionals advice and training needed will be integrated in the action plan between Agriterra and the farmers’ organisation.Value Creator ToolThis tool helps identifying challenges and opportunities in agro value chains defining interventions and solutions. It is made for cooperative management experts and farmers. The Value Creator equips cooperatives and farmers with the necessary skills to develop new business opportunities which leads to more income. The goal is to improve the position of cooperatives and farmers in the Value Chain. This tool is always customized and adapted to the local context ig. location commodity scale etc. For example based on the analysis carried out during the implementation of this activity value creation in the form of collective smokehouses or collective nurseries could be calculated and advised on for Myanmar Rubber Producer Groups. Follow up visits will be crucial to the success of this tool.FACT TrainingBy using the Farmers Advocacy Consultation Tool (FACT) Agriterra introduces a structure that is designed to ensure effective lobbying towards public institutions. FACT is essentially a way for farmers’ organisations and their constituencies to relate to each other. It ensures that any policy proposal that the organisation prepares takes root in the reality needs and concerns of members. While the success of any proposal is never guaranteed the FACT approach certainly increases the possibility of success towards governments.FACT II: As a more in-depth approach and strategy a FACT II Training could be asuccessful follow up for intervention in lobby and advocacy by coaching and local guidance. This training is more customized and tailor-made and addresses how to interact with governments international players and other stakeholders in Myanmar.Record-Keeping WorkshopAgriterra’s record-keeping workshop is part of its financial management training package designed to turn data into intelligence for business decisions on household and cooperative level. The record-keeping module aims to underline the importance of registering data as well as to develop a strategy for record-keeping and a tool for the actual implementation. Also record-keeping is key to higher yields lower production costs better quality access to finance acces to better seedlings (or other suitable inputs) and can be used to improve the performance and production of the farmer group as a whole. In order to realise a larger scale of farmers participants of the record-keeping Workshop will be trained to train other farmers in implementing record keeping practices at farm level.Marketing TrainingThis training program is designed to strengthen an organisation’s marketing strategy and build the skills and capacities of those individuals within the cooperative who implement this marketing strategy. Participants will be trained on providing content of a sound marketing plan complete with an action plan. This training will be tailor-made for the rubber producer groups and addresses the specific needs of smallholder farmers in Myanmar’s rubber sector. In the Marketing Training participants will be trained to train other member-farmers of the cooperative on how to implement marketing strategies at farm level.

IS-Academy on Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development (LANDAC)


The “IS-academy” concept was initiated in 2005 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands in order to strengthen the role of knowledge and research in the fight against poverty and for sustainable development. In 2010 the IS-academy entitled: ‘Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development’ has been launched. This IS-academy on land governance will operate as a partnership between IDS (University of Utrecht - leading partner) Agriterra Africa Study Centre (ASC) (Leiden) Chair Disasters Studies (CDS -Wageningen University) HIVOS Royal Tropical Institute (KIT- Amsterdam) Triodos Facet and the Department for Sustainable Development of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DDE). These collaborating partners have a broad network of local counterparts (including universities NGOs producer organizations and other civil society organizations financial institutions ministries) and embassies with whom they collaborate in Africa Asia and Latin America. The IS academy partners will invite their southern counterparts and other organisations based in the global south that are working on land governance to participate in activities of this IS-academy from the start. Land governance today is about managing diverging interests competing claims and processes of inclusion and exclusion. It is also about processes of institutional change as the rules of access to land and the nature of property regimes change covering a wide range of topics (tenure rights land administration land use systems for dispute resolution decentralisation). Land governance choices are influenced by paradigms related to agricultural development private sector development public administration law gender equity indigenous rights environmental governance etc. A range of new often opposing pressures and interests need to be reconciled. Land governance processes needs to strike a balance between protecting rights and promoting the most productive use of land; between economic progress sustainable land use and social justice. Although new land policies seek to secure the rights of smallholders these policies (or other policies) promote large-scale farming and productive use of land. Other issues that influence policies related to land are the aspirations of rural inhabitants to leave for urban areas the implications for land rights and use of rapid urban expansion processes of speculation in the peri-urban sphere and ‘urbanization’. The guiding question of this IS academy is how to optimize the link between land governance sustainable development and poverty alleviation; and thus how to deal with new pressure and competing claims while maximizing opportunities for inclusive and equitable development.


Improved coordination agenda setting increased understanding knowledge brokerage improved exchange between stakeholders capacity development; changes in perception)

Green Livelihoods Alliance 2 Ffjf


The ‘Forests for a Just Future’ programme of the Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) aims to ensure that tropical forests and forest landscapes are sustainably and inclusively governed to mitigate and adapt to climate change, fulfil human rights and safeguard local livelihoods. In twelve countries in South America, Africa and Asia, as well internationally, we will work with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), IPLCs and social movements to increase the participation of IPLCs in policy and decision-making regarding land rights and forest governance and strengthen lobby and advocacy to hold governments and agro-commodity, extractives, energy and infrastructure industries accountable for deforestation and human rights violations. In order to do this work effectively, it is of crucial importance that the operational space and security of IPLC leaders, CSO activists, women’s rights and environmental and human rights defenders (EHRDs) is ensured, which is therefore another essential element of our proposed programme.