Our Vision is to be a world-class university committed to scholarly excellence.
Our Mission is to provide quality university education and training and to embody the aspirations of the Kenyan people and the global community through creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of knowledge.
Core Values
In order to realize the above vision and mission, certain shared values shall be nurtured. There is great need for the University to be guided by the right values derived from the virtues and moral standards of the Kenyan and wider society.
Core Functions
Teaching and Learning: The university offers innovative , relevant and market driven academic programmes , both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels with inbuilt quality control systems the university also provides an environment and policy framework for undertaking high quality and relevant research
Displaying 271 - 275 of 298Conceptualising Dynamic Relations Between African Land Ownership Systems.
Tenure Of Tress Or Tenure Of Land?"; In John Bruce And R. Raintree (eds.) Proceedings Of An International Conference On Research In Agro Forestry
A Chronology of Land Use Accretion And Housing Policy In Nairobi
In the early days of commercial penetration of East
Africa by the Europeans the present route to Uganda originating
from the Kenyan Coast town of Mombasa was rarely used
because of the difficulties experienced in sustaining long
caravans over the arid Nyika Region between the Coast and
the Kenya Highlands, and the hostility of tribes inhabiting
this area - especially the Masai. Colonial penetration of
the present area known as Kenya began about 1850 and intensified
after 1883 when Joseph Thomson managed to cross Masai Land;