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Community Organizations United States Agency for International Development
United States Agency for International Development
United States Agency for International Development
Intergovernmental or Multilateral organization


About Us

We envision a world in which land governance systems, both formal and informal, are effective, accessible, and responsive for all. This is possible when land tenure and property rights are recognized as critical development issues and when the United States Government and its development partners demonstrate consistent attention and a firm commitment to supporting coordinated policies and programs that clarify and strengthen the land tenure and property rights of all members of society, enabling broad-based economic growth, gender equality, reduced incidence of conflicts, enhanced food security, improved resilience to climate change, and effective natural resource management.

Mission Statement

The USAID Land Tenure and Resource Management (LTRM) Office will lead the United States Government to realize international efforts—in accordance with the U.S. Government’s Land Governance Policy—to clarify and strengthen the land tenure and property rights of all members of society—individuals, groups and legal entities, including those individuals and groups that are often marginalized, and the LTRM Office will help ensure that land governance systems are effective, accessible, and responsive. We will achieve this by testing innovative models for securing land tenure and property rights and disseminating best practice as it relates to securing land rights and improving resource governance within the USG and our development partners.



Displaying 381 - 385 of 440

Promoting Peace through Land Dispute Management: Rwanda


The Promoting Peace through Land Dispute Management project aims to manage and mitigate land-related conflict by improving the capacity and effectiveness of local institutions in managing land disputes. The project will also create a safe space for communities to discuss issues before they escalate into conflict. Applying a people-to-people approach, this program builds on the success of existing programs and local institutions to facilitate the handling of land disputes. The project will train Community Resource Persons (CRPs) to facilitate land dispute management and community dialogues. Community dialogues will provide a safe space for diverse groups to discuss land issues, allowing participants to break down barriers through exchange and discussion of common interests. These dialogues will also help increase the understanding of land issues that communities face, while stimulating a search for community-driven solutions. In turn, these discussions will provide important insights about land-related issues that will inform broader policy debate, providing the government information to make more informed and more responsive land policies. In collaboration with local organizations, the National Women’s Council and Haguruka, the project will focus on achieving the following objectives: Objectives Creating an institutionalized network of CRPs trained to manage land disputes in their communities Improving the legal, policy, and institutional framework for land dispute management by making it more responsive, participatory, and better informed Outcomes Held 21 community dialogues that brought together over 450 participants to increase their understanding of land issues Peacefully resolved 89 intra-household land disputes involving women at the community level Trained over 1,700 people on conflict resolution and women’s land rights Aired 25 episodes of the Ubutaka Bwacu radio show on land rights and land disputes Completed a land dispute mapping exercise in the Eastern Province to improve data on land conflict

Property Rights and Resource Governance: Global


The Property Rights and Resource Governance (PRRG) Project was a six-year global program focused on efforts to support property rights and natural resources governance. This program included the development of analytical tools that USAID used to support land tenure and property rights (LTPR) programming. Specifically, these focused on LTPR assessments, LTPR impact evaluations, LTPR sequencing, and the specific nuance associated with LTPR and women/vulnerable groups, and LTPR and post-conflict/stabililzation settings. This program also contained a strong knowledge management component, dedicated to helping the Agency capture and learn from lessons and best practices evolving in this realm of international development. This program also developed training courses and tools for USAID and US Government programming personnel and their partners in Washington, D.C., and in USAID programming regions worldwide.

Supporting Access to Justice, Fostering Peace and Equity: Uganda


The purpose of the USAID/Uganda Supporting Access to Justice, Fostering Peace and Equity (SAFE) program is to support peace building and conflict mitigation in Uganda by strengthening mechanisms for resolution of conflicts over land, oil and ethnic diversity. This project will further enhance the capacity of local actors to prevent violent conflict and transform them into peaceful outcomes while promoting reconciliation. Through training, technical assistance and providing grants to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), SAFE will focus on the oil rich Albertine region, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) affected Northern Uganda, and Central Uganda as primary entry points. SAFE will use a two pronged approach; first, it will strengthen systems of land administration; reinforce both formal and informal dispute resolution mechanisms and create awareness of the systems. Secondly, it will support local actors to prevent and transform emerging conflict into peaceful outcomes. Working with community networks, faith based organizations (FBOs), local government structures and CSOs, where appropriate, SAFE will build indigenous capacity for conflict prevention and reconciliation in Uganda. Objectives Make institutions for land administration and dispute resolution more accountable and accessible Make administrative land management and legal aid services more efficient Increase legal awareness on land matters Improve Non-State Actor Oversight Transform emerging violent conflict into peaceful outcomes Enhance processes for community reconciliation

Tenure and Global Climate Change: Zambia


Using policy engagement, pilot interventions, in-depth case studies, and quantitative and qualitative analysis, the USAID Tenure and Global Climate Change project is advancing knowledge and practice on how land tenure and resource rights relate to global efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The majority of land in Zambia is allocated and administered by traditional authorities, led by a chief and based on the application of customary practices. As Zambia’s economy and population grow, new pressures are placed on customary lands and its forest and wildlife resources. Demographic and social pressures bring increased land disputes and pressure to convert customary land to state administered leasehold land. Individual smallholders commonly have no documentation of their land claims, resulting in complex land disputes over boundaries, defense of rights in the event of divorce, death of a family member, or reallocation of land. Such boundary disputes are reportedly becoming more common. Both traditional leaders and village members are increasingly attuned to a need for some form of documentation to assist in long-term land management. Additionally, Zambian law places forest and wildlife resources under state control, and with limited mechanisms for devolving rights and benefits to local stakeholders. As the Government of Zambia develops a new land policy, and launches a land audit, national land titling program, and new forest and wildlife acts, it is important to demonstrate cost-effective models for customary land documentation, administration and management that promote and strengthen the role of local institutions and result in sustainable land and resource management. Since 2014, USAID’s Tenure and Global Climate Change (TGCC) project has supported the Chipata District Land Alliance (CDLA) to pilot tenure strengthening activities in over 130 villages in four chiefdoms in the Chipata District. USAID’s work focuses on the role of traditional leaders as custodians of customary land. As part of this work, USAID is undertaking a randomized-control trial impact evaluation to better understand whether customary land documentation increases sustainable land use practices, like agroforestry. Activities The local level USAID-supported interventions include activities related to: Chiefdom-level mapping of resources, particularly communal resources, as well as documenting customary rules around land administration and management; Village-level mapping and resolution of village boundary disputes, and supporting headpersons in local land administration through village committees; and Supporting Chiefs to deliver and administer customary land certificates. Early results from Chipata, with over 6,000 customary land certificates distributed, demonstrate a keen interest in documenting village and household lands as well as shared resources. In order to assess the scalability of this approach, TGCC is supporting the Petauke District Land Alliance to carry out a similar process in Sandwe Chiefdom on 180,000 hectares at the southern-most border of Zambia’s wildlife flagship, South Luangwa National Park. USAID’s support is bringing international good practices on systematic land documentation to Zambia through collaboration with government, civil society organizations, and other cooperating partners. This has involved communication at the national level of lessons learned and training to a range of actors. In addition to assistance on land documentation, USAID’s TGCC program is providing support for government, civil society, and traditional authorities to discuss the range of policy and legal issues around customary and state land administration, and feed these discussions into national policy and legislative processes. This involves supporting consultation between government and the chiefs, as well as promoting public comment on land legislation. USAID is promoting a Zambian-driven research agenda on land administration and management through research seed funds and an annual research symposium. TGCC’s work in Zambia bridges policy, pilot implementation, multi-stakeholder consultations and empirical research to promote land policy and rural land administration that achieves sustainable livelihoods, climate change mitigation and increased communication between government, rural leaders and local communities.