Palestina | Land Portal

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Foto: Anna Włoch/PCPM/Flickr
26 Junho 2024

Dados apontam que metade das terras agrícolas foram danificadas; produção local de alimentos está quase interrompida, agravando situação humanitária; restrições de acesso dificultam a entrega de ajuda.

Foto: Filipe Augusto Peres
24 Julho 2021
América do Sul
Agricultora do MST durante “Curso de Formação de Agentes Populares de Agroecologia” realizado em parceria entra a UFSCar, o MST, o Centro de Formação Sócio-Agrícola Dom Hélder Câmara e outros parceiros. Foto: Filipe Augusto Peres




Palestine Land Authority logo

The PLA established by presidential Decree No.10 of 2002 as a legal entity with its own budget , subordinate to the Council of Ministers , with the responsibility for both the Survey and Registration Departments.


  • Surveying department responsible for examining maps and plans prepared in connection with land adjudication process, partition, subdivision, first registration and other transaction;

The Arab Union of Surveyors aims to promote cooperation, coordination and communication among surveyors in the Arab countries.

Land Governance Multi-stakeholder Dialogue

The Dutch Land Governance Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (LG MSD) is a dialogue jointly organized by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, companies, financial institutions, civil society organizations and knowledge institutes. Its organizing committee consists of representatives from Oxfam, Both ENDS, FMO, Actiam, APG, Utrecht University and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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