Ruanda | Land Portal
Rwanda agriculture land governance

Rwanda is a small country and landlocked. It covers an area of 26,338 km². In Rwanda, land is an important issue due to two different characteristics: first is that Rwanda is one of the most densely populated countries in the world (416 people per km2 – (NISR, 2012). Being an agricultural country, where over 85% of its working class citizens depend on agriculture, adds more pressure on land as the sole economic capital to the rural peasants.

Learn more about successes and challenges and find more detailed land governance data in Rwanda.

Últimas notícias

Foto: EU/ECHO Martin Karimi/Flickr
9 Maio 2024

Mais de 234 mil pessoas foram forçadas a abandonar as suas casas no Burundi, Quênia, Ruanda, Somália, Etiópia e Tanzânia; Organização Internacional para Migrações disse que alterações climáticas estão tirando vidas e deslocando comunidades inteiras.



Foto: ICRISAT/Flickr
13 Abril 2023

A estimava é da FAO; atraso na superação da discriminação contra mulheres está gerando perdas de quase US$ 1 trilhão na produtividade global; protagonismo feminino poderia aumentar a resiliência de 235 milhões de pessoas; Timor-Leste é citado no estudo.






A Rwanda where the indigent and vulnerable groups have equitable access to justice. 

To promote and support the provision of accessible and quality legal aid services. 

Core Values
In order to achieve its Vision and Mission, the Forum is guided by the following core values :

Respect people in their diversities
Accountability and transparency
The best interests of our member organizations.

Medici Land Governance

Medici Land Governance (MLG) provides user-friendly, low-cost land titling and administration systems. Our team is comprised of leaders with deep experience in building and delivering quality, resilient technology products and services.

As a public benefit corporation, MLG promotes economic development and full financial inclusion by helping individuals establish formal ownership of their homes and land.

Le Centre regroupe les chercheurs de l’Institut de politique et de gestion du développement (IOB) qui orientent tout ou une grande partie de leur recherche sur la région des grands lacs. Le Centre privilégie l’étude de développements contemporains dans les domaines politique, économique et social. Il publie chaque année un Annuaire.  La documentation extensive du Centre est incorporée dans la bibliothèque de l’IOB.

The Rwanda Initiative for Sustainable Development (RISD) is a civil society organization that is headquartered in Kigali City, in Rwanda. RISD is governed by a Board of Directors, and is managed by its Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Annie Kairaba.

RISD was established in the period following the Rwandan genocide in 1994; and started its operation in Rwanda, cognizant that ‘Land’ is a priority issue in the country and underpins the country’s quest for sustainable development.

The Rift Valley Institute (RVI) is an independent, non-profit organization, founded in Sudan in 2001, currently working in seven countries in Eastern and Central Africa. The aim of the Institute is to advance useful knowledge of the region and its diverse communities, bringing a better understanding of local realities to bear on social and political action. The RVI works with institutions in the region to develop and implement long-term programmes that combine action-oriented research with education and public information.

THE MISSION :"Leading the fight against corruption through public education, prevention and law enforcement”

THE VISION: “A corruption and injustice free Rwanda”

CORE VALUES:“Integrity, Accountability, Excellence and Professionalism”.


LandNet is an Africa-wide network that brings together policy makers, academics and civil society (on a round table) to work on land related issues. These issues are especially related to land reform and land policy implementation, including land dispute management and mitigation. The Rwanda Chapter of LandNet Africa was officially launched on 21st September 2000.

The Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB) is an autonomous body established by LAW N°38/2010 OF 25/11/2010. The law specifies that: RAB has the general mission of championing the agriculture sector development into a knowledge based; technology driven and market oriented industry, using modern methods in crop, animal, fisheries, forestry and soil and water management in food, fibre and fuel wood production and processing.

Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Land Administration and Management at INES - Ruhengeri (Rwanda) 

MSc in Land Administration, Twente University

The Institute of Legal Practice and Development(ILPD) was established by the Law No. 65/2013 0F 27/08/3013 Establishing ILPD, and was assigned to provide legal professional education to persons holding at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Law,  provide training to those working in the field of justice and in related fields,  promote research and disseminate law, collaborate with other institutions of learning and research in Rwanda and abroad, and support any other initiative that may contribute to the promotion of law and justice.


The mission of the Imbaraga Farmer Federation is the professionalization of the farming profession to improve the welfare of farmers in rural areas and to change perceptions of the perception. Founded in 1992 by Rwandan farmers, Imbaraga is a peasant organization comprises of 94,324 farmer members today and located throughout 5 provinces in Rwanda that brings farmers together to share best practices and resources. The organization runs on member fees (about USD 2 annually) and contributions from non-governmental organizations.

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