Sudeste Asiático | Land Portal

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22 Junho 2022
África subsariana
América Latina e Caribe
América Central
Sudeste Asiático
Ásia Meridional

Abordar a violência baseada em gênero e os vínculos ambientais para melhorar a conservação baseada em direitos, a ação climática e o desenvolvimento sustentável para todos e todas. 

Fonte: China Daily
23 Abril 2021
Sudeste Asiático

Cerca de 1.600 hectares de arroz e 295 hectares de culturas de milho em seis municípios de Timor-Leste foram danificados pelo recente ciclone Seroja, segundo dados recolhidos em voos de avaliação do Programa Alimentar Mundial das Nações Unidas (PAM).
24 Junho 2020
África subsariana
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul
Sudeste Asiático
É o que indica um estudo publicado pela revista Nature Geosciences, que analisou as consequências de mais de 80 mil acordos de compra e venda feitos entre 2000 e 2018 em 15 países da América do Sul, África Subsaariana e Sudeste Asiático. Cerca de 76% dessas aquisições foram feitas por investidores estrangeiros, indica o levantamento.





NUS Press publishes academic books and journals, as well as general non-fiction. Our home market is Singapore and Southeast Asia, but our books are distributed internationally. We publish books of special relevance to Southeast Asia and we maintain a disciplinary focus on the humanities and social sciences. Books and memoirs meant mostly for a general audience and to be sold in bookshops are published under our Ridge Books imprint. We publish some 30 books a year.

The Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (public organization) (hereafter "SAC") is an non-profit academic institution that was initially established by Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand in 1991 in commemoration of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn's 36th birthday.  The SAC was established in Her Royal Highness's honor and seeks to fulfill her wish to establish and develop a national institution responsible for the systematic gathering, processing and servicing of anthropological data.

Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore

The Gardens' Bulletin Singapore is a peer-reviewed journal publishing original papers and reviews on plant structure and taxonomy (including revisions), evolution and biogeography, floristics, ecology and  conservation, as well as related fields such as horticulture and ethnobotany, with emphasis on the plant life of the Southeast Asian-Pacific region.

We have over 95 years of experience in empowering communities to overcome poverty.  Led by our founder Dr. Y.C. James Yen, since early 1920s, our predecessor the Chinese Mass Education Movement was responsible for changing, for better, and the lives of over 200 million Chinese peasants through the power of functional literacy.  Since IIRR was formally organized as an international development, training, and research organization in 1960 in the Philippines, we have continued to empower the rural poor to end poverty in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE)is a regional network that uses economic tools and analyses to address South Asia's environmental challenges. It is based on the premise that solutions to economic development concerns and environmental problems are integrally linked.

Australia's aid program

The Australian Government’s new development policy Australian aid: promoting prosperity, reducing poverty, enhancing stability and new performance framework Making Performance Count: enhancing the accountability and effectiveness of Australian aid introduce key shifts in our aid program.


Australia's new development policy and performance framework are available in PDF and Word formats.

Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia

SOJOURN is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of social and cultural issues in Southeast Asia. It publishes empirical and theoretical research articles to promote and disseminate scholarship in and on the region. Areas of special concern include ethnicity, religion, tourism, urbanization, migration, popular culture, social and cultural change, and development. Fields most often represented in the journal are anthropology, sociology and history.

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) works to strengthen institutional capacities toward inclusive and sustainable agricultural and rural development (ISARD) in Southeast Asia through graduate education, research and development, and knowledge management.


SEARCA is a non-profit organization established by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) in 1966.

The Asian Institute of Technology promotes technological change and sustainable development in the Asian-Pacific region through higher education, research and outreach. Established in Bangkok in 1959, AIT has become a leading regional postgraduate institution and is actively working with public and private sector partners throughout the region and with some of the top universities in the world.

ANU Press is Australia’s first open-access university press. Our authors publish peer-reviewed research on a broad range of topics including Asia and Pacific studies, Australian politics, humanities, arts, Indigenous studies and science. Established in 2003, ANU Press prides itself on its innovation in the area of open-access scholarship. To date, ANU Press has published over 800 publications, all of which are freely available on this website.

ANU stands for "Australian National University".

South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law

South East Asian Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law (SEAJBEL), an open-access journal, is peer-reviewed and published in April, August and December annually. The journal accepts contributions in English only. SEAJBEL is providing scholars the best in theory, research, and methodology as well as providing platform to professionals and academics to share their ideas, knowledge and findings particularly in the region of South East Asia.

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