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Agriculture, Land Tenure and International Migration in Rural Guatemala

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2016

In this paper, we ask what the effects of migration and remittances are on land tenure, agriculture and forests, based on empirical evidence from four rural communities in Guatemala. Our results suggest that remittances improve migrant families' access to agricultural land which – depending on the context – fosters more equitable local land distribution patterns or land concentration by migrant families. Changes in the political economy of the country also combine to stimulate these patterns, while remittances contribute to secure land rights held by migrant households.

Justice in an Unequal Relationship? Negotiations Between the Quilombo Bombas and the Upper Ribeira State Touristic Park, Brazil

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2016

In Brazil, the implementation of protected areas has often caused impoverishment and injustice to forest-dwelling peoples. With the launching of the re-democratic 1988 Constitution, numerous claims for access to resources, recognition of ethnic identities, and participation in environmental decision-making have been made by traditional peoples.

Participatory mapping to identify indigenous community use zones: Implications for conservation planning in southern Suriname

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2016

Large-scale development projects often overlap forest areas that support the livelihoods of indigenous peoples, threatening in situ conservation strategies for the protection of biological and cultural diversity. To address this problem, there is a need to integrate spatially-explicit information on ecosystem services into conservation planning. We present an approach for identifying conservation areas necessary to safeguard the provision of important ecosystem services for indigenous communities.

Structural Transformation of Small Farms in Moldova

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
декабря, 2016
Central Asia

The agricultural and food production sector plays a key role in fighting poverty and food insecurity in Moldova, but is facing critical challenges to modernize and integrate into the international market. This paper focuses on smallholder farms, which make up 95 percent of all farms, and explores their potential for growth and the poverty links. Findings reveal that structural change is slow and smallholder farm growth in Moldova is an exception, not the rule.

Madagascar Economic Update, December 2016

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
декабря, 2016

Even though a large majority of poor households are engaged in agriculture, per capita productivity and real levels of sectoral growth remain low in Madagascar. Approximately 80 percent of the population are engaged in agriculture, which provides the main source of income for households, albeit at subsistence levels. Cultivation practices are based on extensification strategies with implications for Madagascar’s fragile natural resource base, rather than improving the productivity of existing farms and land use.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
декабря, 2016

This report summarizes the results of the analytical work on housing market finance carried out by the World Bank Group at the request of the Ministry of Finance. The purpose of the work was to inform the policy dialogue about how best to develop a sustainable housing finance market in Nigeria, and improve the effectiveness of interventions aimed at stimulating the housing market and providing quality housing to the population. The work was funded by DFID and carried out over 2013 and 2014.

Bankrolling India’s dirty dozen

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2016

An analysis paper by Dustin Hoasa on the World Bank Group's lending practices, part 2 in Inclusive Development International (IDI)'s 'Outsourcing Development' series. Published by IDI in collaboration with the Bank Information Center, 11.11.11, Urgewald and Accountability Counsel in the United States, December 2016.

Pillars of the community: how trained volunteers defend land rights in Tanzania

Reports & Research
декабря, 2016

Training volunteers to help their communities defend their land rights has proved an effective approach for promoting land justice in Tanzania. Report documents how Hakiardhi, a Dar-es-Salaam based research institute working on land governance issues, has established and trained a 600-strong network of male and female ‘Land Rights Monitors’ (LRMs) operating in 300 villages on various aspects of the land law, so they can help people and local governments to exercise and ensure respect for their legal rights in land disputes, particularly in relation to large-scale agricultural investments.

Gender & Collectively Held Land. Good Practices and Lessons Learned from Six Global Case Studies

Reports & Research
декабря, 2016

Seeks to answer the question, where collective tenure arrangements are either being formalized or supported for the sake of securing the community’s rights to land, what steps are required to strengthen women’s land rights in the process? Synthesizes findings from case studies in China, Ghana, India, the Kyrgyz Republic, Namibia, and Peru that assess interventions to strengthen collective tenure and ensure that both women and men benefit from improved land tenure security.

Disputes over land and water rights in gold mining : the case of Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2016

This article analyzes different visions and positions in a conflict between the developer of an open-pit mine in Mexico and project opponents using the echelons of rights analysis framework, distinguishing four layers of dispute: contested resources; contents of rules and regulations; decision-making power; and discourses. Complexities in this study manifest how communities’ land and water rights are circumvented by governmental bodies and ambivalent regulations favouring the large mining company. This process is importantly reinforced by international trade legislation.

自由事先知情同意: 保护土著民族权利与造福当地社区的良好做法: 项目执行人员手册

Reports & Research
декабря, 2016

自由事先知情同意是受国际人权标准保护的一项原则,同时也与自决权相联系。自由事先知情同意原则得到了《联合国土著民族权利宣言》、《生物多样性公约》及国际劳工组织《第169号公约》的支持 。本手册是粮农组织与若干协作组织自2015年7月启动协商进程以来的结晶本手册,是专为发展组织的项目从业人员设计的工具。

The Community Land Rights of Women and Youth in Turkana County, Kenya

Institutional & promotional materials
декабря, 2016

This policy brief presents the main findings of a situational analysis and assessment of women’s and youth’s ability to access community land in Turkana County, Kenya, with a focus on their rights. The brief highlights the fact that even though policy and legal frameworks provide for equal rights and nondiscrimination in access to land, women and youth still face many land-related challenges in Turkana County. It looks at the current situation regarding community land rights and examines the bar riers that women face trying to realize these rights.