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‘I am a Refugee in My Own Country’: Conflict-Induced Internal Displacement in Kenya

Reports & Research
ноября, 2016

Internal displacement in Kenya is a complex and multi-faceted social problem that revolves around and reflects unresolved issues of land and property, as well as the struggle for the control of political and economic resources. These intricate and sensitive issues, manifested in ethnic conflict, violent cattle raids, and government evictions characterised by human rights abuses have displaced people throughout the country.

Good Growth Happens

ноября, 2016

The key message of this video is that secure tenure rights provide the foundation for economic growth, enhanced food security and nutrition, reduced conflict, and improved natural resource management while also improving the overall investment environment, thereby fostering increased investment.

Developing gender‐equitable legal frameworks for land tenure

Policy Papers & Briefs
ноября, 2016

This paper introduces a Legal Assessment Tool (LAT) for gender‐equitable land tenure that was developed by the Gender and Land Rights Database (GLRD) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for the purpose of providing prompt, targeted and effective policy and regulatory advice to countries working towards gender‐equitable land tenure. The LAT aims to provide a contribution to the global efforts to achieve responsible governance of land tenure by focusing on the legal issues surrounding land policy and reform processes.

Food Security and Governance Factsheet: Afghanistan

Reports & Research
ноября, 2016

In Afghanistan, insecurity over land and water rights hampers investments in food production and irrigation. In rural areas, customary tenure systems, partly based on religious law, are the most relevant but suffer from weak recognition and offer little protection to rights holders. The land policy reform is on-going but remains slow. Moreover, land administration capacity is weak and improvements mostly take place in urban areas. In this context, land disputes are common and often violent.

State Ownership of Land in Uzbekistan – an Impediment to Further Agricultural growth?

Peer-reviewed publication
ноября, 2016

The present paper aims to demonstrate how the state land ownership affects development of agricultural sector in Uzbekistan, and what are its strengths and weaknesses. It highlights the importance of secure land right regardless of ownership. Land in Uzbekistan is state-owned; the exclusive state ownership of land was first incorporated in the 1992 Constitution. The official rationale was to ensure food security and social stability; another concern was the state-run irrigation system, operation of which would be hampered in the event of land privatization.

Global Scaling up of Women’s Land Rights

Reports & Research
ноября, 2016

A discussion paper attempting to take stock of what works and does not work in interventions seeking to promote and enhance women’s land rights. Looks at both individual and community land tenure, rural and urban land, arable and forest land. Describes a variety of interventions in as much detail as possible to understand why the intervention worked or not. Makes recommendations for scaling up women’s land rights.

Tainted Lands: Corruption in Large-Scale Land Deals

Reports & Research
ноября, 2016

Section I provides an overview of large-scale land deals. It assesses the trend at a global level and examines structural obstacles faced by efforts to regulate such deals. Section II focuses on corruption as a major obstacle to improving the protection of local communities and indigenous peoples whose livelihood, identities, and traditional ways of life depend on the use of local lands and natural resources. This phenomenon is largely understudied because corruption, by its very nature, is hidden and therefore poorly documented.

Land rights, rental markets and the post-socialist cityscape

Reports & Research
ноября, 2016

Inefficiently organized, factory-dominated cityscapes have been one of the more enduring legacies of the twentieth century experiment with socialist central planning in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Drawing on a unique survey of large, formerly state-owned urban industrial firms in Russia, we explore how land tenure reforms affect the pace at which this legacy is being erased. Specifically, the privatization of plots is shown to promote the development of a rental market that transfers land use rights away from socialist-era industrial users.

Gender and Land Rights - Understanding Complexities; Adjusting Policies

Reports & Research
ноября, 2016

Increasing women’s access to land is crucial to fight hunger and poverty. However, gender disparities in land access remain significant in most countries, regardless of their level of development. A new FAO database helps to understand the factors that prevent women from accessing land; and to design better policies to effectively address this situation. rural development, hunger, food security, economic crisis, prices, agriculture