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Land Consolidation Zoning in Coastal Tidal Areas Based on Landscape Security Pattern: A Case Study of Dafeng District, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, China

Peer-reviewed publication
февраля, 2021
United States of America

It is crucial to pay close attention to the ecological security in land consolidation and utilization of coastal tidal areas and make an appropriate zoning scheme to meet the characteristics of its particular landscape. Landscape security patterns can identify the patterns that are crucial to the health and security of landscape ecological processes by analyzing and simulation them. This article applies the theory of landscape security pattern to land consolidation zoning in a coastal tidal area, Dafeng District, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province.

Farmland Fragmentation, Farmland Consolidation and Food Security: Relationships, Research Lapses and Future Perspectives

Peer-reviewed publication
февраля, 2021
United States of America

Farmland fragmentation and farmland consolidation are two sides of the same coin paradoxically viewed as farmland management tools. While there is a vast body of literature addressing the connections between farmland fragmentation and farmland consolidation on the one hand and agriculture production and crops diversification on the other hand, their relationship with variations in food security is still under-explored. This challenges policy makers about whether and how to devise policies in favor of fragmentation conservation or defragmentation.

A Proposed Land Exchange Algorithm for Eliminating the External Plot Patchwork

Peer-reviewed publication
января, 2021
United States of America

In many countries of the world, rural areas are characterized by a defective spatial structure of agricultural land. The most frequent defects are large fragmentation and distribution of farmland. The fragmentation of land has been an issue widely described by many authors throughout the world. The problem of the distribution of land owned by individual farmers is slightly different, since due to the complexity of the problem this issue was not widely explored in Poland (plot patchwork) or in other countries of Europe and the world.

Gestiunea sistemului de susținere a antreprenoriatului agricol în contextul consolidării terenurilor agricole în Republica Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2020

În urma cercetărilor efectuate s-a evaluat corelaţia pozitivă între eficienţa tehnică a gospodăriilor ţărăneşti şi nivelul de consolidare a terenurilor agricole și s-a apreciat mărimea critică a dimensiunii gospodăriei ţărăneşti cu gradul minim al eficienţei tehnice. În calitate de obiect de cercetare a servit performanța economică a gospodăriilor ţărăneşti din Republica Moldova şi aportul consolidării terenurilor agricole în productivitatea și competitivitatea acestora.

Forhandling, forhandlingsplanlegging og jordskifte i urbane områder

Reports & Research
ноября, 2020

Negotiations are important in urban densification processes. In particular, integrative negotiations seem to be relevant. The conflicts between neighbors and developers can be challenging to solve. Land readjustment is used in several countries to merge properties or reshape properties in conjunction with densification projects. Conflicts can be handled and reduced by land readjustment. Should such a measure be relevant in Norway, it is recommended, among other things, that a majority of the landowners within a land readjustment area must be in favor.

Combining Participatory Processes and Sustainable Development Goals to Revitalize a Rural Area in Cantabria (Spain)

Peer-reviewed publication
октября, 2020
United States of America

Due to industrial civilization, the decline of the countryside has become a global phenomenon. Spain is a good example that reflects this issue in the rural areas of the European Union because more than half of all municipalities in the country are at risk of extinction. This manuscript aims at combining social engagement and the application of sustainable development goals (SDGs) to propose a sustainable rural revitalization plan.

Webinar Report: Land Consolidation Legislation

Reports & Research
июня, 2020

Land consolidation is a well-proven land management instrument, which has traditionally been used for agricultural development with a main objective of reducing land fragmentation and increasing holding and farm sizes. Some European countries have a land consolidation tradition that goes back a hundred years or more. It is also widespread in particular in countries in Asia but also in Africa.

Evaluating the lifestyle impact of China’s rural housing land consolidation with locational big data: A study of Chengdu

Peer-reviewed publication
июня, 2020
United States of America

Housing land consolidation and relocation has been widely implemented in rural China as a policy tool to reduce the area of built-up land, reclaim agricultural land, and redistribute the use of land. Despite of the large scale of implementation, the impact of this policy on the daily life of rural people is not sufficiently evaluated. Our work aims to fill in this gap by examining the daily activity pattern of rural residents in consolidated and unconsolidated villages through mobile phone locational data, using the Chengdu city-region as the case.

Land Consolidation at the Household Level in the Red River Delta, Vietnam

Peer-reviewed publication
июня, 2020

Land consolidation is an effective solution for the hindrances in agricultural production and rural development caused by land fragmentation. In the Red River Delta of Vietnam, where land is still highly fragmented, the application of land consolidation is required. By using a bottom-up approach, the paper aims to clarify the effect of land consolidation on farm households in selected communities (as case studies) of two provinces (Hung Yen and Vinh Phuc) in the Red River Delta.

Improving the Landscape and Tourism in Marginal Areas: The Case of Land Consolidation Associations in the North-West of Italy

Peer-reviewed publication
июня, 2020
United States of America

Land fragmentation is a factor that limits the development of the agricultural and forestry sector, as well as the ability of operators to reach a profitable economic dimension. This phenomenon also influences the creation of activities and incomes in a negative way in marginal areas. In this context, land consolidation associations (LCA) can be a useful tool in reducing this limitation and promoting better management of the territory by improving the link between the landscape and tourism.

Legal guide on land consolidation

Manuals & Guidelines
мая, 2020

Land consolidation is a highly effective land management instrument that allows for the improvement of the structure of agricultural holdings and farms in a country, which increases their economic and social efficiency and brings benefits both to right holders as well as to society in general. Since land consolidation gives mobility to land ownership and other land rights, it may also facilitate the allocation of new areas with specific purposes other than agriculture, such as for public infrastructure or nature protection and restoration.

Presentation: The Need for Land Consolidation

мая, 2020

This presentation was given at the Webinar "Land Consolidation Legislation: FAO Legal Guide and Its Application at the Country Level" on 18 June 2020. It sets the scene on the need for land consolidation by explaining the problem it addresses, namely, land fragmentation. The presentation also explores whether land markets can solve the issue of land fragmentation, and can be achieved with land consolidation and who are the beneficiaries.