Introducing the State of Land Information Index | Land Portal
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Thursday 4 May | 8:00- 9:30 AM EAT | 7:00-8:30 AM CEST

This side event will serve to introduce the Land Portal’s State of Land Information Index (SOLIndex), which measures openness of land data at the country and global level. The aim of this index is to make land-related findings more actionable and to complement existing land governance monitoring systems, such as tools developed by GLTN. The SOLIndex provides an overall indicator that assesses the openness of land data and information at global and country levels. The SOLIndex can be used as a diagnostic and advocacy tool for making land data more open and inclusive in support of good land governance.

This side event will explore the range of indicators that constitute the index, explore strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the collection of these indicators in an effort to obtain and incorporate feedback from GLTN Partners into the process of validating the indicator.


The SOLIndex


The indicator will give users FIVE POINTS OF ENTRY for exploring the state of land data:

  • The Big Picture global score.
  • A close look at country-level diagnostics.
  • Deep-dives into individual “open” criteria.
  • Deep-dives by type of land data.
  • Mix + match exploration & downloads.