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Community Organizations World Wildlife Fund
World Wildlife Fund
World Wildlife Fund
Non-profit organization


Adepte d'une philosophie basée sur le dialogue et le respect de l'autre, le WWF oeuvre quotidiennement pour que dans un avenir proche, le développement humain puisse se faire en harmonie avec la nature.



Displaying 46 - 50 of 61

WB Environment Services Project ESP


The Project Development Objectives (PDO) are to support sustainable land management practices and increase communities’ monetary and non-monetary benefits, in targeted project areas which are mainly in erosion prone rural upland areas. Farmers and their forest and pasture users associations, action groups and individuals spanning 310 rural communes and 2980 villages in the country will benefit either directly or indirectly from the grant funds and other Project activities. Sida will provide an equivalent amount or 68,45 million SEK equal to the IBRD loan and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) will provide ca 20 million SEK. In total approx.160 million SEK will be administrated by the World Bank in a Trust Fund.

Frame agreement with NGO (Fida Int.)


The Project purpose is to increase food supplies for 600 families of Giharo and Bukemba in Rutana Province of Burundi through promotion and facilitation in better farming methods and practices that will enhance increased food production in the community. T he Project will build the capacity of the community in sustainable land management, mobilization of local resource and adaptation to climate change.The Community of Pentecostal Churches in Burundi (CEPBU) is the main Fida partner in this program. During th e past 4 decades, Burundi has undergone through destructive civil wars that caused a great damaged to the country?s economy. During this period, more than 500,000 fled the country to the neighbouring countries especially Tanzania. After a long process of p eace talks between the rebels and the government, peace agreements were signed and the repatriation process was initiated in which a massive flow back of returnees were settled back to their origin places in Rutana province of Burundi. The resettlement pro cess has faced a lot of challenges in meeting the needs of the returnee who were poor, illiterate, without food and shelter, and lacked farming inputs to start up their normal living. CEPBU and Fida have partnered to empower the community in understanding their rights in response to these challenges. The Project will conduct church leaders training on food security/environment protection techniques and the formulation of food security and Environment protection policy. The partner will influence the commun ity on matters related to food security and environment protection practices. The project will train the Community Coordinating Teams (CCT) who will be a representation of the 600 families on food security and environment protection. The CCT will establis h farmers' groups in the community and train them on saving and credit methods, effective livestock management, preparation and development of tree nurseries and engage them in tree planting and protect of forest areas with contour lines. The project will provide the Community Coordinating Teams with training materials, seeds for demonstration tree nurseries and links to other environment protection organizations. The overall objective of this project is to contribute to the wellbeing of the returnee commun ities in Burundi. It is expected that, at the end of the project the returnees will increase their food production that is enough to sustain their family needs and support their children education

F.a: Promotion of Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Lalitpur


Poor women from deprived communities are not in a position to access loan from banks or other financial institutions or financial service providers due to lack of physical collateral. The poor, indigenous women and girls are exploited from various forms of discrimination. Therefore there is a comprehensive need to build the capacity of deprived poor women to increase their access to financial capital with low interest rate. The local government bodies have not fully owned and realised the importance of wome n’s participation in planning process and providing justifiable share of resources to the women in their location. Strengthening cooperatives and their linkages with local bodies, including Ward Citizen Forum and Citizen Awareness Centre (CAC) are requir ed to increase women’s access to resources and services. Most of the women still lack legal ownership of their land. Cooperatives still lack adequate knowledge and skills to develop strong linkages with market actors for enterprise development. Lack of v ocational skill training and micro entrepreneurship skills among women and out of school youth girls, denial of women to property rights, gender based discrimination and women’s right violation justify the need to implement this project in Lalitpur distr ict of Nepal. The overall objective of the project is to improve women’s economic and socio-cultural status. The specific objective is to develop and strengthen women-led local institutions for promoting economic, social and cultural rights of poor and m arginalised women communities in Lalitpur. Activities: • Establish and strengthen two women cooperatives • Establish a cooperative federation or a network of women cooperative • Conduct cooperative education camps• Establish and strengthen District and Village Land Rights Forum and conduct joint land ownership campaign • Evidence-based advocacy to improve women’s access to land• Income generation through enterprise development• Technical/vocational education to the most marginalised out of s chool youth girls • Provide business and career counselling services to girls/women • Strengthen Local Government’s capacity to promote socio-cultural rights of women• Strengthen Citizen Awareness Centre and Ward Citizen Forum • Develop and broad cast Public Service AnnouncementRights-holders /beneficiaries: 5 000 women and girls mainly from the poor indigenous and Dalits communitiesImplementing partner: The Lutheran World Federation Nepal (LWF Nepal).

Land Rights-PE


Promote and defend the rights of women, smallholder farmers and communities to enable access and control over land and its resources: strengthen policy to secure women?s land rights; combat commodity-driven deforestation and defend land rights.