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Countries África septentrional related Blog post

África septentrional

Displaying 1 - 12 of 36
5 Julio 2021
Shahd Mustafa, Romy Sato
Early this year, the Arab region saw a series of webinars and meetings about the status of land-related information and data. These events, which included Land Portal's webinar Sharing and Exchange in the Arab Region (16 February), the Second Arab Land Conference (22-24 February) and the Online…
3 Marzo 2021
From February 22-24th 2021, the Second Arab Land Conference took place both virtually and in Cairo, Egypt. We took some time to speak with conference attendee Azubike Nwachukwu to hear more about his impressions of attending the Conference.   Can you please tell us more about yourself and your work…
24 Febrero 2021
It is widely understood that effective use of land, the sustainable production of food and development are linked. Yet, creating effective policy, which takes into account broader notions such as economic prosperity and social justice, especially in the context of competing claims to land use and…
24 Febrero 2021
Land Portal: What do you feel are the aims of the Conference and what do you hope to achieve?  Dr. El Sherif: I am the Executive Director of the Urban Training Institute (UTI) in Egypt, which is part of the housing and building national research center.  We are here because we were keen on planning…
23 Febrero 2021
Joseph Feyertag
Prindex Researcher Joseph Feyertag sets out some key findings from his latest paper 'How perceived tenure security differs between men and women in the MENA region'   It is for good reason that gender is a major theme at this week’s Arab Land Conference. Around just 5% of women own land or…
22 Febrero 2021
Shahd Mustafa
From revolution and conflict to shifting demographics and women’s empowerment – big change is underway in the Arab world, much of it linked to questions of land. Perceptions data is a quick and effective way to understand the impact this change is having and map a smart way forward that meets the…
17 Febrero 2021
Ms. Ombretta Tempra
Land governance is strongly related to peace , it is linked to livelihood, identity and power. Good land governance, including the key aspects of mediating and resolving land-related disputes and the protection of the housing, land and property rights of all, leaving no-one behind, and are…
17 Febrero 2021
Momula rajashekhar reddy
تعاني المنطقة العربية من العديد من التحديات في قطاع حوكمة الأراضي وإدارتها . والأهم من ذلك ، أن انعدام أمن الحيازة في المنطقة العربية هو الأعلى بين المناطق الأخرى في العالم ، كذلك في مؤشر البنك الدولي لممارسة الأعمال التجارية ، تحتل المنطقة المرتبة الأدنى بين المناطق الاخرى ، باستثناء بعض دول مجلس…
17 Febrero 2021
تُعرَّف تنمية القدرات بأنها "العملية التي يحصل من خلالها الأفراد والمنظمات والمجتمعات على القدرات و العمل على  تقويتها والحفاظ عليها لوضع أهداف التنمية الخاصة بهم وتحقيقها بمرور الوقت" منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية (2006).   تعد تنمية القدرات أمرًا مهمًا للغاية في المنطقة العربية لنضمن أن إدارة…
17 Febrero 2021
Ms. Ombretta Tempra
ترتبط إدارة الأراضي ارتباطًا وثيقًا بالسلام ، فهي مرتبطة بسبل العيش والهوية والسلطة. الإدارة الفعالة  للأراضي ، بما في ذلك الجوانب الرئيسية للوساطة وحل النزاعات المتعلقة بالأراضي وحماية حقوق الإسكان والأراضي والممتلكات للجميع ، بدون استثناء تعد حجر الزاوية لتحقيق السلام. في المنطقة العربية ، اشتدت…
16 Febrero 2021
Momula rajashekhar reddy
The Arab region suffers from many challenges  in the land governance and land management sector. Most importantly, tenure insecurity in the Arab region is the highest in the world.  In the Worldbank’s Registering Property- Doing Business indicator, the region ranks  lower than any other region,…
16 Febrero 2021
Capacity development is defined as ‘‘The process through which individuals, organizations and societies obtain, strengthen and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time” OECD (2006). Capacity development is very important in the Arab region to ensure…