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Countries Sudáfrica related News


Displaying 217 - 222 of 222
By: Sizwe Sama Yende Date: November 1st 2016 Source: City Press Criminal charges have been laid relating to one of the biggest land claim scams in the country – potentially costing the government millions – but the rural development and land reform department says it knows nothing about it.…
By: James Macharia  Date: November 7th 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation A far-left South African politician who wants to nationalize banks, mines and land said on Monday he would ask the Constitutional Court to scrap an apartheid-era law used to prosecute him over calls to occupy white-…
By: Ilze-Marie Le Roux  Date: November 9th 2016 Source: Eyewitness News South Africa CAPE TOWN - Rural Development and Land Reform Deputy Minister Mcebisi Skwatsha says the land redistribution programme is on track despite “teething problems”. Ministers of the Economic Cluster are responding to…
Date: 20 novembre 2016 Source: RFI En Afrique du Sud, plusieurs personnalités ont appelé le gouvernement à accélérer sa réforme agraire face au mécontentement grandissant de la population quant à la redistribution des terres. Cette semaine le leader du parti d’opposition, les Combattants pour…
By: Mzingaye Brilliant Xaba and Monty J. Roodt Date: January 4th 2017 Source: R News South Africa’s land reform programme has suffered many failures and its beneficiaries have in many cases seen little or no improvements to their livelihoods. Land reform remains a contested terrain or what land…
A court has ruled that companies must first seek permission from local communities if they plan to mine on their ancestral land. This represents a new achievement in land and mining rights for South Africa. On 9 December 2018, the world will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the UN Declaration on…