Enhancing resilience in the horn of Africa
Conflict and food insecurity: How do we break the links?
Food and nutrition insecurity are becoming increasingly concentrated in conflict-affected countries, affecting millions of people. Policies and interventions that build resilience to these shocks have the power to not only limit the breadth and depth of conflict and violence around the world, but also strengthen national-level governance systems and institutions.
Understanding the links between agriculture and health: Opportunities for improving the synergies between agriculture and health
"...At the moment, a lack of integration and coordination characterizes the relationship between the agriculture and health sectors. Traditionally, agricultural and health policies address specific goals within those sectors. Agricultural policies address conservation of the natural resource base, protection of farmers’ livelihoods, basic needs of the poor including food security, and the context for regulations on, among other things, food safety and the sound use of pesticides.
Mitigating risk: Social protection and the rural poor
People in developing countries—particularly the agricultural poor—face a host of risks to their lives and livelihoods, including those stemming from globalization, climate change, and weather shocks. These experiences highlight the importance of social protection, which can have a potentially significant impact on reducing poverty and vulnerability when implemented with the optimal design, targets, and resources.
Bilan des capacités de R&D agricole nationale en Afrique au sud du Sahara
Ce document vise à contribuer au programme d’action en cours pour le développement de l’Afrique au sud du Sahara.
Gendered participation in water management: issues from water users' associations in South Asia
The devolution of natural resource management responsibility from the state to communities or local user groups has become a widespread trend that cuts across countries and resource sectors. Unlike claims to the contrary in policy narratives, devolution of control over resources from the state to local organizations does not necessarily lead to greater participation and empowerment of all stakeholders (Cleaver 1999).
Is PROGRESA working? Summary of the results of an evaluation by IFPRI
Mexico’s Programa Nacional de Educación, Salud y Alimentación (PROGRESA) is a major government program aimed at developing the human capital of poor households. Targeting its benefits directly to the population in extreme poverty in rural areas, it seeks to alleviate current poverty through monetary and in-kind benefits, as well as to reduce future levels of poverty by encouraging investments in education, health, and nutrition.
The critical triangle relationship between the diversity of wetlands utilization, the enhancement of agricultural productivity, and food security in Uganda
Strategies to increase agricultural productivity and reduce land degradation in Uganda: an econometric analysis
Bâtir sur les succès de l’agriculture Africaine
Les nouvelles sur l’état de l’agriculture en Afrique sont en grande partie décourageantes, mais on entrevoit des lueurs d'espoir. Quelques efforts stimulants réalisés par des agriculteurs et chercheurs africains au cours des dix dernières années ont sensiblement augmenté la productivité agricole dans certains pays et pour certains produits. Ces cas peuvent servir de modèles pour de futurs efforts, mais seulement si les responsables des politiques de développement et les professionnels comprennent les processus qui ont amené ces résultats, et les éléments clé de leur succès.
Informe de políticas alimentarias mundiales 2011
Desde 2007, se produjeron dos rondas de picos de los precios de los alimentos que han contribuido a que al hambre y la malnutrición de millones de personas.