Formulación de prioridades regionales para el programa forestal de la FAO, para ser consideradas por el Comité Forestal (COFO) y para la 34ª Conferencia Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe
Meeting symbol/code: FO:LACFC/2015/10
Session: Sess. 29
(ALAWUC) تقرير الدورة السادسة لهيئة الزراعة واستخدام الأراضي والمياه للشرق الأدنى
Meeting symbol/code: ALAWUC/NE/10
Roadmap for the establishment of Forest Reference levels and the National Forest Monitoring System
The Government of Kenya is in the process of establishing a National REDD+ Programme through the Kenya Forest Service (KFS). Two critical elements of the National REDD+ Programme are forest reference levels (FRL) and a National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS). This document describes the steps towards establishing the design of the NFMS and reference levels, through an enumeration and description of required tasks.
Reutilización del Agua: la agricultura y la gestión del agua urbana en una sociedad del reciclado
La urbanización acelerada está trayendo consigo grandes retos en materia de empleo, infraestructuras y seguridad alimentaria y nutricional. Al mismo tiempo, muchas ciudades en rápido crecimiento se enfrentan a un aumento de la escasez de agua, a menudo agravada por los efectos del cambio climático, y a servicios de saneamiento insuficientes, aumentando así la exposición a los agentes contaminantes.
Fisheries in the Drylands of sub-Saharan Africa
The focus of this review has been on both documenting the general resilience of many fish resources to climatic variability and its underestimation in livelihood importance, including in protracted crisis situations, but also on enhancing the potential supply of fish from dryland areas by better use of the available water bodies, and in particular from small reservoirs.
Nouvelles approches des niveaux d’émissions de référence pour les forêts et/ou niveaux de référence pour les forêts dans le contexte de la REDD+
Les informations contenues dans ce document correspondent à la situation en octobre 2014. Pour une vue d’ensemble des plus récentes soumissions de NERF/NRF à la CCNUCC, veuillez consulter">ce lien.
Cambodia: Summary of the National Medium-Term Priority Framework for Cambodia (2011-2015)
Following the first NMTPF for Cambodia, the current NMTPF represents a renewed efforts to articulate FAO’s assistance to this country in a coherent Programming Framework aligned with national priorities. NMTPF is a planning, management and monitoring tool through which both the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) and FAO identify a set of medium-term priorities for FAO assistance, consistent with the policies and development goals pursued by the Government and the strategy pursued by FAO.
Read the
Report on the Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Agroecology in Asia and the Pacific
Seeking to gain a better understanding of the role that agroecology can play in eradicating hunger and malnutrition, FAO organized the Multistakeholder Consultation on agroecology for Asia and the Pacific, held in Bangkok, Thailand on 24-26 November 2015. FAO acted as a facilitator to enable debates and foster collaboration among a variety of actors in order to advance science, knowledge, public policies, programmes and experiences on agroecology, supporting the strengthening of the already-extensive evidence-based knowledge for agroecological approaches in agriculture.
Fortaleciendo la capacidad de los países para reportar a la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático sobre las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en el sector Agricultura, Silvicultura y Otros Usos de la Tierra: Costa Rica
Examen del Programa de Trabajo sobre el Cambio Climático y los Recursos Genéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura
Meeting Name: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA-16/17/8
Session: Sess.16
Livelihood Zones Analysis Madhya Pradesh - A tool for planning agricultural water management investments
The AgWater Solutions Project aimed at designing agricultural water management (AWM) strategies for smallholder farmers in sub Saharan Africa and in India. The project was managed by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and operated jointly with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI) and International Development Enterprise (IDE).