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Displaying 97 - 108 of 1693

State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2006 : Update, January 1-September 30, 2006

Mayo, 2013

Carbon transactions are defined as purchase contracts or ERPAs (Emission Reductions Purchase Agreements) whereby one party pays another party in return for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions that the buyer can use to meet its compliance or corporate citizenship - objectives vis-a-vis GHG mitigation. Payment is made using one or more of the following forms: cash, equity, debt, or in-kind contributions.

State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2006 : A Focus on Africa

Mayo, 2013

Many African countries have thin energy and industrial sectors with limited opportunities to reduce carbon emissions, certainly relative to countries such as China and India. Carbon sequestration from avoided deforestation and from agriculture--potentially important areas for climate mitigation and important in many African economies--has been systematically excluded from the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

Simulating the impact of future land use and climate change on soil erosion and deposition in the Mae Nam Nan sub-catchment, Thailand

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013

This paper evaluates the possible impacts of climate change and land use change and its combined effects on erosion and deposition in the Mae Nam Nan sub-catchment, Thailand. Soil loss models were employed to estimate soil loss and net soil loss under direct impact (climate change), indirect impact (land use change) and full range of impact (climate and land use change) to generate results at a 10 year interval between 2020 and 2040.

Seguro Agrario Universal Pachamama

National Policies
Mayo, 2012

Exposición de William Ibarra del Instituto Nacional de Seguro Agrario (INSA) para el seminario "Mecanismos de financiación a la actividad agropecuaria de Bolivia: aporte desde tarija" realizado el 25 de mayo de 2012 en el salón de reuniones del Hotel Viña del Sur de la ciudad de Tarija , Bolivia. 

Utopías en la era de la supervivencia. Una interpretación del buen vivir.

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2014
América Latina y el Caribe

Utopías en la era de la supervivencia. Una interpretación del Buen Vivir, hermosa escritura-investigación del colombiano Omar Felipe Giraldo.

Dos acontecimientos inseparables: la manera como habitamos la Tierra, y la manera como la Tierra permite que la habitemos. Abya Yala significa buen vivir-tierra generosa, tierra en florecimiento. Para los quechuas, buen vivir se expresa como sumak kawsay, dos palabras con fuerza ética en tanto que se refieren a cómo habitar el ethos, o sea la casa del hombre, la tierra generosa, madre nutricia y permanente, que permite el permanecer.