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Displaying 85 - 96 of 102

Engineering Ethnic Conflict: The Toll of Ethiopia’s Plantation Development on the Suri People

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2014

Report highlights the effects of government actions on the Suri people of south-western Ethiopia, who are representative of numerous ethnic communities whose subsistence practices and culture are treated as impediments to Ethiopian economic growth. Uncovers the truth behind a reported massacre of 30 to 50 Suri people in May 2012 near the 30,000-hectare Malaysian-owned Koka plantation. Reveals the destabilizing effects of foreign investment in south-western Ethiopia and examines the role of international aid programs in supporting forced evictions in the country.

Land and Conflict

Reports & Research
Enero, 2018

Land is often a critical aspect of conflict: it may be a root cause or trigger conflicts or may become an issue as the conflict progresses. Conflicts lead to forced evictions; the people who are displaced by conflict need somewhere to live and some land to farm or to graze their animals, often leading to further disputes over the use of land and other resources.

Las acciones en defensa de la tierra en Santiago del Estero (1990-2012): el caso del MOCASE.

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2015

La población rural de Santiago del Estero, Argentina, habita, mayoritariamente, en tierras fiscales. Hacia fines de la década de 1990 y principios de 2000, esas tierras se volvieron codiciables para el cultivo de soja. Esto generó focos de conflicto entre los capitalistas interesados en ellas y la población rural que allí residía. El objetivo de este artículo será examinar las formas que asume la lucha por la tierra en Santiago del Estero en el período 1990-2012.

Análisis de la (in)constitucionalidad y la (in)convencionalidad del artículo 231 bis del Código Procesal Penal de la provincia de Buenos Aires

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2016

El art. 231 bis del Código Procesal Penal de la Provincia de Buenos Aires habilita al magistrado judicial ante el posible delito de de usurpación –en cualquier estado del proceso y aun antes de la declaración del imputado ( art 308 CPP)- a reintegrar el inmueble al damnificado. Dicho precepto es claramente inconstitucional, pues tomar la medida antes de la mencionada declaración es violatorio de la garantía del debido proceso, como asimismo del principio de subsidiariedad que rige en el derecho penal.

Improving access to justice and basic services in the informal settlements in Nairobi : an action research approach

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2015

The ‘Price Penalty’ exists where a poor person pays an above-average price per unit of the facility, product, or service. The ‘Quality Penalty’ refers to the provision of a facility, product, or service of low quality, which is still offered at a price similar to that of higher-quality.

Forced Evictions in Kenyan Cities

Journal Articles & Books
Enero, 2003

Forced evictions are widespread in Kenyan cities and are, on the surface, caused by conflicts in land rights, non–payment of excessive land and house rents, and urban redevelopment. But, more fundamentally, evictions are due to factors embedded in the country’s political economy, in particular, the grossly inequitable land ownership structure which makes it difficult for the poor to access land and decent shelter. Evictions cause significant socioeconomic hardship to individuals, affecting cities and whole nations.


Training Resources & Tools
Diciembre, 2017

IIRATOOL The conceptual structure of the tool is composed of three entities and their elements, and relationships among the entities. They are termed as: Incidents, Impacts and Redress. The proposition is Incidents of involuntary evictions and involuntary displacements of community of inhabitants from their settlements, cause heterogenous Impacts that human dignity, as they involve human rights deprivation of well-being, wealth and habitat and of the evictees and displacees. The Impacts justify Redress of the wrongdoings, which may deter repetition of. Incidents.


Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2009

The practice of forced eviction is a global phenomenon. Between 1995 and 2005, a survey covering only ten countries, showed that over ten million people were forcibly evicted. These people were left homeless and subject to deeper poverty, discrimination and social exclusion. A number of such evictions involve entire communities of tens or even hundreds of thousands of people. Such communities are invariably evicted against their will and in most cases without any compensation or alternative housing.

Nowhere to go Forced evictions in Mau Forest, Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
Marzo, 2007

Between 2004 and 2006, a massive programme of evictions has been carried out in forest areas of Kenya. Houses, schools and health centres have been destroyed, and many have been rendered homeless. Estimates indicate that in six forests alone, more than a hundred thousand persons were forcibly evicted between July 2004 and June 2006.  Evictions in a number of forest areas are reportedly continuing and humanitarian groups are expressing growing concerns about the ongoing increase in internally displaced persons from forest areas in Kenya.

Review of Selected Land Laws and the Governance of Tenure in the Philippines

Journal Articles & Books
Septiembre, 2014

The Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT), was developed under the Committee on World Food Security as a result of collaboration among different groups of stakeholders – governments, civil society, private sector, academia. The VGGT is intended to provide a framework for responsible tenure governance that supports food security, poverty alleviation, sustainable resource use and environmental protection.

Zeehonden in de Oosterschelde, fase 2; effecten van extra doorvaart door de Oliegeul

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2001

De westelijke Oosterschelde, met name het Oliegeulgebied, is belangrijk voor de kleine zeehondenpopulatie in het Deltagebied. De recreatiesector heeft de overheid gevraagd om in de zomer door dit nu gesloten gebied te varen. De effecten van een toename in doorvaart zijn onderzocht. Er kon geen periode in het getij worden aangewezen waarin de zeehonden het gebied minder gebruiken. Door extra doorvaarten trekken de zeehonden vaker weg uit het gebied.

Home closure as a weapon in the Dutch war on drugs: Does judicial review function as a safety net?

Journal Articles & Books
Enero, 2018

Background A widespread sense of a failing criminal justice system and increased feelings of insecurity changed the response to crime into a culture of control, which is characterized by policies that punish and exclude. In the Netherlands, these influences can be witnessed in the war on drugs where local authorities use their administrative power to close homes involved in drug-related crime. Citizens can invoke judicial review over these administrative interferences by claiming that such closure results in an unfair balance between purposes, means and consequences.