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Council of Ministers Resolution No. 142/2000 approving the Order Plan of the Coastal Rim of Ovar – Marina Grande (POOC).

Europa meridional

This Resolution approves the Order Plan of the Coastal Rim of Ovar – Marina Grande (POOC) It is composed of 67 articles, IV Titles and X Chapters, being the most important:Article 2 contains the objectives of POOC, article 4, definitions; Title II administrative servitudes and public utility restrictions; Title III contains the uses of the coastal rim which include the following articles: article 8, conditioned activities; article 9, public interest activities; article 10, acesses to the coastal rim; article 13, forbidden activities and article 24, beach support equipment and infra-structur

Foreshore and Land Reclamation Ordinance.


The ownership of the foreshore and sea-bed vests in the Crown, subject to the public rights of: (a) navigation and fishing, and (b) of passing over the foreshore, and to any private rights that may exist in or over the foreshore or the sea-bed. The Minister may by notice, after consultation with landowners, designate a foreshore of an island or islet or any part thereof. No person shall remove from a designated foreshore any sand, gravel, reef mud, coral, rock or other like substance without first having obtained from the Chief Lands Officer a licence for that purpose.

Foreshore and Land Reclamation Act (Cap. 46.01).


This Act vests the ownership of the foreshore and sea-bed in the Crown, subject to the public rights of: (a) navigation and fishing, and (b) of passing over the foreshore, and to any private rights that may exist in or over the foreshore or the sea-bed. The Minister may by notice, after consultation with landowners, designate a foreshore of an island or islet or any part thereof. No person shall remove from a designated foreshore any sand, gravel, reef mud, coral, rock or other like substance without first having obtained from the Chief Lands Officer a licence for that purpose.

Décret nº 2002-3332 portant approbation d'une convention de concession et d'un cahier des charges pour l'occupation et l'exploitation des parties du domaine public maritime du Lac Nord de Tunis.

África septentrional

Le présent décret porte approbation d'une convention de concession et d'un cahier des charges pour l'occupation et l'exploitation des parties du domaine public maritime du Lac Nord de Tunis.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 95-73 relative au domaine public maritime. (1995-07-24)

Decree No. 895 of 1999 on land use and building.

Europa septentrional

This Decree, in implementation of the Act on land use and building, provides for land use planning and assessment and monitoring of impact on the environment of planned activities. Article 1 lists environmental features that must be taken into account in regional land use planning. The Ministry of the Environment shall organize the monitoring of the state and development of land use and the built environment, and the maintenance of the necessary database. Preparation of national land-use objectives shall be organized so as to allow for public debate and interaction.

Act No. 132 of 1999 on land use and building.

Europa septentrional

The objective of this Act is to ensure that the use of land and water areas and building activities on them create preconditions for a favourable living environment and promote ecologically, economically, socially and culturally sustainable development. The Act also aims to ensure that everyone has the right to participate in the preparation process, and that planning is high quality and interactive, that expertise is comprehensive and that there is open provision of information on matters being processed. Objectives in land use planning are set out in section 5.

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on integrated coastal zone management: a strategy for Europe.

Europa oriental
Europa septentrional

This document represents the response at the Community level to serious problems that European coastal zones are currently facing, such as habitat destruction, water pollution, coastal erosion and resource depletion. The document presents a series of conclusions and recommendations which constitute an European Union Strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management. The Communication is composed of three Parts plus one Annex.

Décret n° 2003-417 étendant le périmètre d'intervention du Conservatoire de l'espace littoral et des rivages lacustres dans le Marais Vernier (Eure).

Europa occidental

Le périmètre d'intervention du Conservatoire de l'espace littoral et des rivages lacustres est étendu sur les parties de territoire des communes suivantes du département de l'Eure: - commune de Sainte-Opportune-la-Mare : sections cadastrales ZH-AC-AD-ZA; - commune de Saint-Ouen-des-Champs: sections cadastrales AB-AC; - commune de Saint-Thurien : section cadastrale AB.

Earthmoving Regulations.


These Regulations regulate earthmoving operations, i.e. any construction or other activity which disturbs or alters the surface of the land, coral reef or bottom of lagoons (reg. 1.3). All earthmoving operations in Micronesia shall be conducted in accordance with these Regulations and in such a way as to prevent accelerated erosion or accelerated sedimentation (reg. 2.1). Erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be set forth in a plan to be prepared by qualified persons in accordance with requirements laid down in reg.

Foreshore Development Act (Cap. 90).


This Act concerns the protection and development of the foreshore, e.g. the land below mean high water mark and the bed of the sea within the territorial waters of Vanuatu (including the ports and harbours thereof) and including land below mean high water mark in any lagoon having direct access to the open sea. No person shall undertake or cause or permit to be undertaken any development on the foreshore of the coast of any island in Vanuatu without having first obtained the written consent to such development of the Minister responsible for town and country planning.

Decree-Law No. 8/2002 amending Decree-Law No. 120/2000 on the Statutes of the Ministry of Environment and Territory Management.

Europa meridional

This Decree-Law amends Decree-Law No. 120/2000 on the Statutes of the Ministry of Environment and Territory Management. Amended articles establish the reorganization of the aforementioned Ministry by the fusion of four organisms in two (Institution of Environment; and Portuguese Institution of Geography) composition, duties and compentencies are specified in the text.

Amends: Decree-Law No. 120/2000 approving the Statutes of the Ministry of Environment and Territory Management. (2000-07-04)