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Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 25/99 approving the coastal zone planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Caminha' and 'Espinho'.

Europa meridional

This Resolution approves the Coastal Zone Planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Caminha' and 'Espinho'. It consists of 9 Chapters and 2 Annexes defining the conditions to be satisfied in order to organize and plan the coastal zone of the aforesaid area. The text is divided as follows: Aim of the Coastal Zone Plans (Chap. 1); Servitudes and other administrative restrictions (Chap. 2); Coastal zone use, classifying the different areas (Chap. 3); Areas to be protected by the sea erosion (Chap. 4); Management and planning services (Chap. 5); Beaches and maritime areas (Chap.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 33/99 approving the coastal zone planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Burgau' and 'Vilamoura'.

Europa meridional

This Resolution approves the Coastal Zone Planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Burgau' and 'Vilamoura' in order to improve touristic sector. It consists of 5 Sections and 5 annexes defining the conditions to be satisfied in order to carry out the coastal zone plans of the aforesaid area. The text is divided as follows: Aim of the Coastal Zone Plans (sect. 1); Servitudes and other administrative restrictions (sect. 2); Coastal zone use, classifying the different areas (including wildlife protection, agricultural and marine areas) (sect.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 136/99 approving the Land use Planning of Coastal zone of Sado-Sines (POOC).

Europa meridional

This Council of Ministers Resolution approves the Land use Planning of Coastal zone of Sado-Sines with the purpose of a better exploitation of water and land resources, in compliance with the environmental preservation. It consists of 5 chapters and 3 annexes establishing: General provisions establishing the conditions to be satisfied for occupation, use and transformation of lands (chap. 1); Water resources exploitation and sanitary measures to avoid pollution and to guarantee water quality standards (chap. 2); Classification of protected areas (chap.

Act to amend the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 (Republic Act No. 7881).

Asia sudoriental

Amendments made to the principal Act concern its application sphere, compulsory land acquisition, incentives for aquaculture projects, conversion of agricultural land into fish ponds and prawn farms, protection of mangrove areas, and change of crops. Lands actually, directly and exclusively used for parks, wildlife, forest reserves, reforestation, fish sanctuaries and breeding grounds, watersheds and mangroves, as well as private lands actually directly and exclusively used for prawn farms and fishponds, shall be exempt from the application of this Act.

Decree No. 35/99 establishing the requirements to be satisfied for coastal sand extraction.

Santo Tomé y Príncipe
África Central

This Decree establishes the requirements to be satisfied for sand extraction. It consists of 8 chapters and 2 forms establishing the conditions to be observed in order to perform the aforementioned activity within coastal and inland river areas. It concerns licensing, beach selection, environmental impact assessment, sanctions to be paid for illegal activity, etc. The forms list the information to be given in order to obtain a licence.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 86/98 approving Portuguese coastal zone planning.

Europa meridional

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers approves coastal zone planning. It consists of 3 articles defining the principles to be applied in order to perform land use planning within the coasts of the Portuguese territory. It concerns: coastal land use planning, pollution control, beach management, etc.

Regional Decree No. 18/98/A regulating the approval of coastal zone management plans.

Europa meridional

This Regional Decree regulates the approval of coastal zone management plans according to Decree-Law No. 303/93 (on the national approval of coastal zone management plans). It establishes composition, duties and competencies of the regional authorities entitled to manage and control this sector.

Decree No. 11.376 creating the Commitee for Coastal Zone Protection - CODEL within the State of Rio de Janeiro.

América del Sur

This Decree creates the Commitee for Coastal Zone Protection - CODEL within the State of Rio de Janeiro. It consists of 8 articles concerning composition, competencies and duties of the aforementioned environmental Institution, uder the Ministry of Environment, entitled to carry out controls and to manage coastal zones within the State of Rio de Janeiro.

Decree No. 1.540 establishing composition and functioning of the Coordination Group for National Coastal Zone Planning (PNGC).

América del Sur

This Decree establishing composition and functioning of the Coordination Group for National Coastal Zone Planning (PNGC). It consists of 4 articles defining composition, competencies and duties of the aforementioned environmental institution entitled to manage, carry out controls and plan coastal zones.

Decree No. 1.204 creating the Coastal Zone Protection Committee within the State of Rio de Janeiro - CODEL.

Septiembre, 1987
América del Sur

This Decree creates the Coastal Zone Protection Committee within the State of Rio de Janeiro - CODEL. It consists of 11 articles establishing composition, duties and competencies of the aforementioned environmental institution entitled to protect and develop coastal areas carrying out controls and managing these areas within the limits of the said State.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 152/98 approving the coastal zone planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Sines' and 'Burgau'.

Europa meridional

This Resolution approves the Regulation on Coastal Zone Planning (POOC) between the areas of 'Sines' and 'Burgau'. The Regulation consists of 5 parts and 2 Annexes defining the conditions to be satisfied in order to organize and plan the coastal zone of the aforesaid areas. The text is divided as follows: General provisions (Part 1); Servitudes and other administrative restrictions (2); Coastal zone use, classifying the different areas (3); Management and planning services (4); Final provisions (5). Annexes list geographical map of the area.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 151/98 approving the coastal zone planning (POAA) of 'Albufeira de Alvito'.

Europa meridional

This Resolution approves the Regulation for Coastal Zone Planning of 'Albufeira de Alvito' (POAA). The Regulation consists of 3 chapters and 1 annex defining the conditions to be satisfied in order to organize and plan the coastal zone of the aforesaid area. The text is divided as follows: General provisions (Chap. 1); Zoning and activities (including land protection, exploitation and use according to the different area) (2); Final provisions, including POAA licensing (3). Annex list geographical map of the area.