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Regulation No. 9/98 establishing coastal zones within the district of Praia as Areas of Touristic Development.

Cabo Verde
África occidental

This Regulation establishes coastal zones within the district of Praia as Areas of Touristic Development. It consists of 2 articles and 1 annex laying down geographical coordinates and a detailed map of the aforementioned areas.

Décret nº 098-52 portant création d'un comité interministériel chargé de l'aménagement du littoral mauritanien.

África occidental

Ce décret porte création, missions et composition du comité interministériel chargé de l'aménagement du littoral mauritanien.

Mis en oeuvre par: Arrêté R-888 fixant la composition et les missions du comité technique chargé d'assister le comité interministériel chargé de l'aménagement du littoral mauritanien. (1998-12-13)

Beach Protection (Amendment) Act, 1967 (Act No. 9 of 1984).

Santa Lucía

A prohibition to possess, keep on his premises, or have under his control on any premises, any sand, stone, shingle, or gravel that is unlawfully obtained is added to the list of prohibitions of section 4. Conditions of the granting of permits are modified. Powers of authorized officers under section 10 are modified so as to give such officers the power to enter into and search any premises, boat or conveyance where he reasonably suspects that sand, stone, shingle or gravel is kept in contravention with provisions of this Act.

Beach Protection Act, 1967 (Act No. 2 of 1967).

Santa Lucía

It shall not be lawful for any person to dig, take or carry away for building or construction purposes or for providing ballast for a vessel any sand, stone, gravel, etc. from any beach, seashore or floor or to move such materials along a public road., except under and in accordance with a license from the Director of Public works. A permit shall be in the form as set out in the Schedule. No transport of such materials shall take place at night. Transgression of prohibition may comport arrest and seizure of boats, conveyances, or animals used.

Beach Protection Act.

Antigua y Barbuda

It shall not be lawful for any person to dig, take or carry away for building or construction purposes or for providing ballast for a vessel any sand, stone, gravel, etc. from any beach, seashore or floor or to move such materials along a public road, except under and in accordance with a permit from the Director of Public works. A permit shall be in the form as set out in the Schedule. No transport of such materials shall take place at night.

Amended by: Beach Protection (Amendment) Act (No. 6 of 1993). (1993-02-18)

Act No. 426 promoting new interventions in the environmental field.

Europa meridional

The purpose of the present Act is to establish a public intervention scheme for the rational exploitation of environmental resources. The scope of this plan is remediation and restoration of polluted sites involving marine areas, lakes and rivers. The Ministry of Health shall start the plan, together with the Regions, in national interest sites and in industrial areas (art. 1). Incentives and financial contribution shall be given to industries and industry consortia interested in the research and development of new rehabilitation technologies.

Highland Council (Eigg) Harbour Empowerment Order 1999 (S.S.I. No. 201).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

This Order confers upon the Council the power to carry out and maintain works in the island of Eigg, Highland, and on the foreshore and bed of the sea adjacent thereto and for that purpose, compulsorily or by agreement to acquire land and rights in land. The Order also confers further powers on the Council to maintain and operate their undertaking at the harbour as a statutory harbour undertaking and defines the limits of jurisdiction of the Council.

Law No. 10.019 establishing the State Coastal Management Plan.

América del Sur

This Law establishes the State Coastal Management Plan, sets its objectives and guidelines and defines the instruments for its preparation, approval and execution. It consists of 6 chapters establishing: Definition (chap. 1); Objectives (chap. 2); Goals (chap. 3); Management System and Instruments (chaps. 4 and 5) and General Provisions (chap. 6). It covers all ecosystems and natural resources existing on the land, transition and sea segments.

Circular on the land use planning in the provinces and municipalities throughout the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Asia sudoriental

Land use planning committees shall prepare plans to develop their provinces and municipalities and specify the presence of features of land use planning including environment areas, gardens, public parks, garbage collection, sewer tanks, water pipes, forests, wild animal refuges, lakes, rivers, sea, islands, and land for cultivation. Specified Ministries shall instruct sub-ordinate institutes to carry out a study on land use. Land use planning committees shall assist provincial and municipal governors to prepare plans for the development of the areas under their competence.

Beach Control Act.


This Act provides for coastal zone management in Jamaica and declares all rights in and over the foreshore of Jamaica and the floor of the sea to be vested in the Crown (sect. 3). Any person who is the owner or occupier of any land adjoining any part of the foreshore and any member of his family and any private guest of his shall be entitled to use that part of the foreshore adjoining his land for private domestic purposes, that is to say, for bathing, fishing, and other like forms of recreation and as a means of access to the sea for such purposes (sect. 4).