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IssuesRegistro de tierrasLandLibrary Resource
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Registro de tierras


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Land Registration (Amendment) (No. 2) Rules 2005 (S.I. No. 1982 of 2005).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

These Rules amend the Land Registration Rules 2003 (the principal rules) with respect to registration of relevant lease clauses. "Relevant lease" means: (a) a prescribed clauses lease as defined in rule 58A(4), or (b) any other lease which complies with the requirements as to form and content set out in rule 58A(1) and which either is required to be completed by registration under section 27(2)(b) of the Act or is the subject of an application for first registration of the title to it.

Amends: Land Registration Rules 2003 (S.I. No. 1417 of 2003). (2003-05-19)

Land Registration (Amendment) Rules 2005 (S.I. No. 1766 of 2005).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

These Rules amend the Land Registration Rules 2003. Rule 1 provides for citation and commencement and rule 2 for interpretation. Rule 3 makes a consequential amendment to rule 91(1) of the principal rules, arising from rule 4. Rule 4 adds a new rule, rule 91A to the principal rules. This allows a number of standard forms of restriction to refer to dispositions of a specified part of the registered estate. It also allows changes in other standard. Rules 5 and 8 amend rules 92(2) and 198(2)(d) of the principal rules respectively. Other changes concern standard forms and registration.

Regulation on auction of land use rights for land assignment with the collection of land use levies or for land lease.

Viet Nam
Asia sudoriental

This Regulation consist of 3 Chapters divided into 19 articles and it provides for the auction of land use rights in order to assign land with the collection of land use levies or to lease land. Article 3 specifies cases entitled to land assignment or land lease through auction. Conditions on land plots which have to be auctioned and conditions to participate to auctions are described in articles 5 and 6.

Public Rights of Way (Register of Applications under section 53(5) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981) (England) Regulations 2005 (S.I. No. 2461 of 2005).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

These Regulations prescribe the information to be contained in that register and the manner in which that register is to be kept by the surveying authority (regs. 2 and 3). These Regulations do not apply to an application under section 53(5) of the Act which has been determined by the surveying authority before the relevant date (reg. 4). Section 53(5) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 enables any person to apply to a surveying authority for an order to modify the definitive map and statement concerning public rights of way.

Decreto Supremo Nº 005/06/JUS - Reglamento de la Ley que crea el Sistema Nacional Integrado de Información Catastral Predial.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Reglamento de la Ley que crea el Sistema Nacional Integrado de Información Catastral Predial, que contiene las disposiciones generales para la integración y unificación de los estándares, nomenclatura y procesos técnicos de las Entidades Generadoras de Catastro de Predios, y regula los procedimientos de levantamiento, mantenimiento, actualización y publicidad de la información catastral orientada a un uso multipropósito.

Law on land.

Asia oriental

The Law consists of 7 Chapters composed of 67 articles dealing with the following matters: 1) general provisions (chapt. 1, arts. 1-8); 2) the unified land territory and its basic classification (chapt. 2, arts. 9-16); 3) the authority of the government bodies and local self-governing organizations regarding land issues (chapt. 3, arts. 17 – 23); 4) land management, land register and the unified land territory report (chapt. 4, arts. 24-26); 5) concession of land in ownership and lease (chapt. 5, arts. 27-51); 6) efficient and rational use of land and land protection (chapt. 6, arts.

Law No. 10.932 amending Law No. 6.766 on urban land subdivision.

América del Sur

This Law, composed of four articles, amends article 4 of Law No. 6766 of 19 December 1979, which adopted provisions related to urban land subdivision. In particular, the Law amends provisions concerning building restrictions in areas bordering highways and railways.

Amends: Law No. 6.766 providing for urban land subdivision. (1979-12-19)

Décret n° 2005/481 modifiant et complétant certaines dispositions du décret nº 76-165 fixant les conditions d'obtention du titre foncier.

África Central

Ce décret modifie et complète certaines dispositions du décret nº 76-165 fixant les conditions d'obtention du titre foncier. Les dispositions modifiées concernent, entre autre, la nullité du titre foncier et son retrait; la constitution du dossier nécessaire pour solliciter l'obtention d'un titre foncier sur une dépendance du domaine national et la procédure qui en suit; les procédures d'immatriculation par le conservateur foncier.

Modifie: Décret nº 76-165 fixant les conditions d'obtention du titre foncier. (2005-12-16)

Presidential Decree No. 534 setting up the State Committee on Land Survey.

Asia central

The President, for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of the state land resources, the conformation of the state management system to the new economic conditions, decrees as follows: 1) to set up the State Committee on Land Survey; 2) to entitle the aforesaid Committee with the functions of the keeping the state land cadastre, land monitoring and land survey, the state registration of ownership rights, carrying out the state supervision over the efficient use and the protection of land resources.

Government Lands (Registration) Rules (Cap. 280).

África oriental

These Rules concern the registration of any assignment of a lease issued under the Government Lands Act where the premium reserved by such lease is payable to the Government by instalments. The Registrar shall not register such lease unless and until the head lease thereof is produced duly endorsed by the Commissioner of Lands, as provided for in subsection (4) of section 24 of the Act. The endorsement shall also be registered under the Act.