Landlord and Tenant (No. 2) Act (Cap. 162).
This Act makes provision for the payment of compensation for withholding of property by persons acting in collusion with tenants and for the recovery of non-paid rent. The Act also makes provision for the renewal of leases without the surrender of land.
Constitution of Finland.
Constitution of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Constitution of Mauritius.
Ley Nº 160 - Crea el Sistema Nacional de Reforma Agraria y Desarrollo Rural Campesino, establece un subsidio y reforma el Instituto Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria (INCORA).
El capitulo IV de la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, establece un subsidio para la compra de tierras en las modalidades y procedimientos de crédito no reembolsable con cargo al presupuesto del Instituto Colombiano de Reforma Agraria (INCORA), que se otorgara por una sola vez al campesino sujeto de la reforma agraria, con arreglo a las políticas que señale el Ministerio de Agricultura y a los criterios de elegibilidad que se señalen.
Plan d'action forestier tropical pour l'Amérique Latine
En ouvrant la 8e session du Comit FAO de la mise en valeur des forts dans les tropiques, qui a sig Rome au milieu de septembre 1987 (voir Le monde forestier), M. D.J. Walton, Directeur gnral adjoint de la FAO, a tabli un parallle entre la situation de la foresterie aujourd'hui et celle de l'agriculture pendant les annes 70. C'est seulement lorsque les responsables extrieurs au secteur agricole se sont rendu compte du cot social et conomique de l'abandon de ce secteur que les choses ont commenc changer.
Private Investment in Land
Land Tenure Working Paper 21. This paper draws on proceedings of a meeting held to discuss the impact of growing private sector investments in land, fisheries and forests. This meeting, aimed at the private sector, took place at FAO headquarters on 28 February and 1 March 2011. The purpose of this paper is to provide a record of the discussion from the private sector perspective. The first section provides the context which led to the workshop concept.
Understanding Access to Seeds and Plant Genetic Resources: What Can a Livelihoods Perspective Offer?
This study uses a livelihoods perspective to facilitate understanding of the role played by seeds and PGRs in rural people’s livelihoods and considers how a livelihood perspective may strengthen understanding of issues of access. A sustainable livelihoods perspective offers a way of thinking about the linkages among vulnerability, poverty and environmental or natural resource management.
Réforme Agraire: Colonisation et coopératives agricoles 2002/2
The management of conflict over land and natural resources is a very broad issue and there is a growing literature on techniques that have potential for use in this field. At the moment, the Land Tenure Service of FAO’s Rural Development Division is working towards achieving a deeper understanding of the current methods and practices in land conflict management and is gathering cases from all over the world to ascertain the techniques used and the results achieved. This edition of Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives, prepared with the strong support of Ms A.
This guide is written for people who work in land administration and all those with an interest in land, land tenure and their governance. Although much has been written about the importance of good governance in achieving development goals, there is comparatively little material on good governance in land tenure and administration. Failings in governance have adverse consequences for society as a whole. By contrast, good governance can help achieve economic development and the reduction of poverty. Good governance matters.
Communal Tenure and the Governance of Common Property Resources in Asia
Land Tenure Working Paper 20. This paper presents an analysis of communal tenure and its role for natural resource management system, in different contexts of selected Asian countries. The current market driven pressures on natural resources create both challenges and opportunities for communities and governments to use and strengthen communal tenure in order to promote sustainable management of some natural resources.