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There are 2, 157 content items of different types and languages related to Pobreza on the Land Portal.



Displaying 157 - 168 of 1029

Water harvesting for home food security

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2009

Poverty in rural households have deepened in the past two years through world events: unprecedented rises in food and fuel prices were followed by global economic meltdown, all amidst growing climate uncertainty. Balancing water availability within and across growing seasons, water harvesting helps to buffer households against drought. Research on water harvesting in South Africa has focused on rural household livelihoods. Innovative results on appropriate water harvesting technologies and food security facilitation techniques are now being implemented in villages across South Africa.

Mitigating rural-urban disparities in China and India

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2007

The early development strategies of both China and India were urban- and industry-focused, discounting the importance of rural development. Despite sweeping reforms in both countries, the urban bias and subsequent spatial disparities still exist today. In order to reduce poverty and increase growth, developing countries need to correct these spatial disparities through a set of policies that take advantage of the synergies and linkages between rural and urban areas.

External action to overcome fragile structures: What can development policy achieve?

Journal Articles & Books

Development policy has to deal with the full spectrum of fragility in developing countries, which can range from individual deficits, for example in guaranteeing security, to the total collapse of state structures.The scope available to development policy and other external actors is always limited. Nevertheless, starting points are often on hand to achieve some measure of stability and help overcome weak state structures.

The urban transition: challenges and opportunities

Journal Articles & Books

Urbanisation and economic transformation - the growth of non-farm, industrial and service sectors - offer many opportunities for improvements in poor people's lives.The crucial challenge is to ensure that places work better for people, providing an enabling and supporting environment for changing livelihoods and economies. But all too often there is a failure to recognise and manage the urban transition, resulting in the continuing urbanisation of poverty, vulnerability and exclusion.

Rural-urban links, seasonal migration and poverty reduction in Asia. The role of circular migration in economic growth

Journal Articles & Books
Enero, 2006

Rural livelihoods are far more multi-locational than is often assumed with many rural people spending a part of the year outside the village working in non-farm occupations. Contrary to early theory, persistent circular or seasonal migration within countries or between neighbouring countries is emerging as the migration pattern of the poor. Nowhere is this more evident than in Asia.

Country Study 1:
Afghanistan - A state in upheaval

Journal Articles & Books

Until 1978, the Afghan state was weak but stable. In contrast, rural regulatory structures that complemented the state have always been strong. It was only the attempt to establish a strong state on the basis of foreign ideologies and military over the heads of the rural population that ultimately led to chaos and collapse.Whereas the central state sometimes broke down, many state
institutions in the provinces demonstrated remarkable resilience, leading to a definite nation-state consciousness throughout large sections of the population.

The Political Economy of Land Governance in Lao PDR

Conference Papers & Reports
Octubre, 2015
Viet Nam

This country level analysis addresses land governance in Laos in two ways. First, it summarises what the existing body of knowledge tells us about power and configurations that shape access to and exclusion from land, particularly among smallholders, the rural poor, ethnic minorities and women. Second, it draws upon existing literature and expert assessment to provide a preliminary analysis of the openings for and obstacles to land governance reform afforded by the political economic structures and dynamics in the country.

La gestion des risques grâce aux assurances agricoles

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2010

Les petits paysans dans les pays en développement ne peuvent pas, à eux seuls, absorber plus longtemps les conséquences massives du changement climatique au moyen de leurs stratégies traditionnelles de gestion des risques. Ils doivent bien plus se mettre en quête d'instruments de gestion des risques qui tiennent compte de la nouvelle dimension de ces dangers.

La crise a atteint les populations les plus pauvres de la planète

Journal Articles & Books
Mayo, 2010

Contrairement à l'idée reçue que la crise alimentaire de 2007-2008 et la crise économique mondiale n'auraient rien à voir l'une avec l'autre, cet article montre que les deux événements sont dus à des causes macroéconomiques comparables. Il montre en outre que les conséquences de ces deux phénomènes ont des effets cumulatifs qui atteignent les personnes les plus pauvres parmi les pauvres dont la plupart vivent dans les zones rurales des pays en développement ?

La responsabilité des pays industrialisés

Journal Articles & Books
Mayo, 2010

La crise financière initiale s'est développée pour devenir, en 2008, une crise économique mondiale. Cette crise non seulement exacerbe le problème aigu de la famine en réduisant toujours davantage le pouvoir d'achat des populations pauvres, mais encore menace de limiter pendant des années les possibilités de combattre la famine à long terme au moyen d'investissements et d'innovations.

Le Partenariat mondial pour l'agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire : les acteurs, les missions et les réalisations

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2010

L'article retrace la genèse de la crise alimentaire mondiale qui a atteint son paroxysme avec l'envolée dramatique des prix alimentaires mondiaux en 2007/2008 et les émeutes de la faim qui s'ensuivirent. Il décrit la réaction de la communauté d'aide internationale, qui a créé un « Partenariat mondial pour l'agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire » et analyse de façon critique dans quelle mesure ce dernier a contribué à réduire le nombre des personnes souffrant de la faim, à savoir 925 millions de personnes aujourd'hui.