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Radiografía de la agricultura boliviana

14 Junio 2020
Emeka Azuka Okoye

Tradicionalmente, la agricultura boliviana ha sido retratada en forma de pequeños campos de cultivos coloridos y manejados por campesinos indígenas. Con el tiempo, esta imagen fue sustituida por extensas planicies de monocultivos, trabajadas con enormes maquinarias agrícolas, siempre fumigadas y, al fondo, silos de granos con capacidad de almacenar miles de toneladas. Esta nueva imagen ha sido y sigue publicitada como la modernidad a la que debemos encaminarnos. Sin embargo, algo huele mal por debajo de esta apariencia.

Safeguarding tenure rights in land consolidation

10 Junio 2020
Kristina Mitic Arsova
Margret Vidar

I was assigned to lead the preparation of the assessments and amendments to the land consolidation legislation in 2016. That appeared to be a burdensome task. The first two land consolidation projects in North Macedonia were initiated according to the existing Land Consolidation Law and the implementation was blocked. The Law simply had no legal solutions for the identified field situations. The problems were many and each was ascending the other in its magnitude and sensitivity.

Multi-purpose land consolidation in support of sustainable development

10 Junio 2020
Marije Louwsma
Morten Hartvigsen
Maxim Gorgan

The increasing number of salmon in the Skjern River in Denmark is a positive sign, as the Danish salmon is the only strain of wild salmon left in Danish rivers. Before the Skjern River Nature Restoration Project, the salmon had almost gone extinct owing to the state of the environment. The project area now offers ideal conditions for flora and fauna and has already acquired great natural value. In fact, it has already grown into a bird site of national importance.

Land consolidation or…. can land markets solve land fragmentation?

10 Junio 2020
Frank van Holst
Kristina Mitic Arsova

It happened on the 29th of January 2020 in Bitola in North Macedonia. More than 200 landowners from Egri village gathered in Bitola’s theatre, taking turns to vote on the Land Consolidation Plan. The serious faces of men and women, old and young, were a sign that they may have been as nervous as we were ourselves. The voting on the first majority based land consolidation ever in the country was coming to an end. And then the result was there….. 83% in favour of land consolidation! The villagers were cheering. Our team was overwhelmed by emotion.

Los sistemas alimentarios y el medio rural en la crisis del COVID-19

12 Mayo 2020

Autoría: Pedro Escriche y Jorge Cavero, presidente y director de CERAI

La crisis del coronavirus está generando un impacto enorme y creciente en las economías y sociedades de todos los países, además de la enorme pérdida de vidas que está conllevando.

Las imágenes de ciudades vacías con hospitales desbordados y polígonos industriales parados se suceden en los medios de comunicación y en la retina de los pocos que salen de sus casas estos días.

Las luchas campesinas dignifican la tierra y alimentan al mundo

17 Abril 2020

El 17 de abril se conmemora el día internacional por la lucha Campesina, en memoria de  campesinos y campesinas que fueron asesinados por la policía del estado de Pará en Brasil en el año de 1996.  Estas personas, que hacían parte  del Movimiento de los Trabajadores Sin Tierra -MST-, marchaban hacia Belém en protesta por la demora en la expropiación de tierras por parte del Estado.

South African Land Expropriation without Compensation; a Threat or an Opportunity to Botswana Food Security?

17 Noviembre 2019
Mr. Kgolagano Mpejane

The passing of the Land Expropriation Without Compensation bill by the South African parliament with overwhelming support by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) and the radical Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has instigated uncertainties in the country's property rights and agricultural production.