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O fim do paraíso do gado. Como a seca e pecuária comercial expõem dezenas de milhares de pessoas à fome em Angola

15 Outubro 2019

Por Jéssica Sousa

Este relatório documenta como, nas últimas duas décadas após a guerra civil, a invasão de criadores comerciais de gado nas pastagens tradicionais da Tunda dos Gambos e Vale do Chimbolela tem erodido a resiliência económica, social e cultural, nomeadamente a segurança alimentar, entre os povos Vanyaneke e Ovaherero em Gambos, Angola.

Suicídio ecológico e ecocídio indígena e de ribeirinhos

18 Setembro 2019

Por Manuela Carneiro da Cunha

Em maio deste ano, um grupo de cientistas independentes foi reunido pelo Ministério Público Federal (MPF), em Brasília, para avaliar a situação da vazão do Rio Xingu, especialmente no trecho chamado de Volta Grande. "É um suicídio ecológico", declarou Jansen Zuanon, um eminente especialista de peixes e líder do grupo. "É também um etnocídio, que tudo indica decorrer da corrupção envolvida em Belo Monte", disse a procuradora Thais Santi, de Altamira.

Tanta potencialidade para...pouco

08 Abril 2019
Por Osvaldo Gonçalves
A insistência com que se refere à necessidade de os Estados direccionarem mais os seus investimentos para a vertente humana deve, de uma vez por todas, captar a atenção dos dirigentes africanos, sob pena de os países do continente continuarem a falar em potencialidades agrícolas, enquanto gastam por ano milhares de milhões de dólares na importaçao de produtos alimentares.
Em Addis Abeba (Etiópia), Bill Gates, fundador da Microsoft, disse em Fevereiro deste ano, que os líderes africanos devem apostar forte

We want peasants

26 Setembro 2018
Olivier De Schutter

This week in Geneva, the Human Rights Council is expected to take a position on the follow-up to a draft Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other Persons Working in Rural Areas. Five years after the start of the negotiations, we are at a turning point.

We cannot wait indefinitely – interim options for land reform

18 Junho 2018
Sobantu Mzwakali

The failure to secure the property rights of rural communities shows a clear policy gap between citizens and rights to land as per the Constitution and the attitude and practices of the state, traditional leaders, white farmers and mining companies in relation to such rights. 

Absent from the discourse spurred by the motion passed in the National Assembly on 27 February is what could be achieved in the interim for land reform programme using existing legislation while the country awaits a verdict on the constitutional amendment to determine whether is possible to expropriate land w

Second Regional Land Forum opens with Data and Technology Showcase Event

29 Maio 2018

The Second Regional Land Forum kicked off in Bangkok, Thailand in the early morning of May 28th and the opening session was certainly one to remember! Live drones, talk of big data and using NASA related technology to propel land rights forward, were but a few of the impressive topics on the table. Participants gathered to hear a variety of ‘flash talks’, quick yet effective pitches about notable initiatives relating to data, technology and land rights.

Podcast: Can Legal Empowerment Change Power Dynamics?

17 Maio 2018

Access to justice is a key governance concern in developed and developing countries alike. Community legal workers aim to help poor or comparatively powerless people defend themselves against land grabs, obtain public services, and challenge corruption. Can this bottom-up approach counter powerful interests seeking to entrench their control? Can legal empowerment help respond to rising authoritarianism and repression of civil society?

Barbudan land ownership: a 200-year-old freedom put at risk following Hurricane Irma

26 Abril 2018

On Wednesday, 6 September 2017, Barbuda, the less known sister isle of the popular resort island of Antigua, bore the full brunt of Hurricane Irma as it struck the Leeward Islands of the Eastern Caribbean. The island suffered near total destruction: 95% of the island’s buildings were damaged, 60% of the population were rendered homeless, and a 2-year-old child was tragically killed. Antigua, on the older hand, was relatively untouched.