African Independence: A Betrayed Agrarian Success
It has been decades since Africa’s independence, and the peasants (rural land cultivators) are still suffering. How did Africa ignore the agricultural sector, after the peasants ushered the continent’s independence? Agriculture has become Africa’s “sunset” sector making the continent the most impoverished region, with over 70% rural poverty, heavy dependence on donor food aid valued at over US$ 51 million annually and high rates of unemployment. At least Africa is now embarking on agrarian reforms after years of neo-colonialism.
Tras desmovilización de las FARC, acaparamiento de tierras y ganadería devastan la Amazonía | Colombia
por Taran Volckhausen Traducido por Soledad Agüero
- Según el Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM), en el año 2017, primer año luego del desarme del grupo rebelde de las FARC, la deforestación en la Amazonía colombiana escaló a niveles exponenciales, superando las 70 074 hectáreas alcanzadas en 2016 hasta alcanzar las 144 147 hectáreas.
Jiw: un pueblo indígena acorralado en su propio territorio
- Mongabay Latam recorrió los resguardos Barrancón y Caño La Sal en los departamentos de Guaviare y Meta. En este especial periodístico se evidencian las constantes amenazas a las que se enfrentan y cómo los Jiw ya no solo son víctimas del conflicto armado.
- La palma, la coca, la ganadería y la deforestación son nuevas amenazas que tienen a este pueblo en riesgo de desaparecer. Una década después de que la Corte Constitucional alertara sobre su posible exterminio, poco se ha hecho por evitarlo.
Torching And Extortion: OSINT Analysis Of Burning Agriculture In Iraq
June 3, 2019
Read the original blog here.
In early May 2019, it was reported that agricultural areas of central and northern Iraq were being set ablaze — allegedly by remaining pockets of fighters from the so-called Islamic State.
Empowering Women in Post-Conflict Africa
By Amber Rouleau, communications officer for African Women Rising.
Read the orignial version here.
SANTA BARBARA, California, USA, Nov 8 2018 (IPS) - While its conflict ended in 2007, Northern Uganda struggles with its legacy as one of the most aid-dependent regions in the world.
Can seven pieces of information reduce land conflicts?
First global benchmark for measuring and reporting land information aims to improve tenure security and enable fair compensation
The potential for conflicts related to large-scale land acquisitions could be cut down significantly if seven key pieces of information are included in every property transaction, land professionals say.
Fragmented Lands: Conflict and Peace in the Arab World
As members of the land community, we know that access to a stable and flourishing piece of land, even the smallest plot or parcel, has the potential to be ground-breaking and life-changing. It means the difference between health and illness, between being read and illiterate, and in the most extreme cases, the difference between being fed and hungry. In essence, it determines one’s life path, the key factor between qualifying for essential government services and living at the peripheries and margins of society.