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Panorama de los ejidos y comunidades agrarias en México

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean

Los ejidos y comunidades agrarias son la forma de tenencia de la tierra que abarca mayor superficie en el campo mexicano; ellos ofertan una importante producción agropecuaria y en sus suelos están la mayor parte de los montes, áreas forestales, manglares, costas, agua, minas y diversos atractivos naturales; sin embargo, poco se conocen sus características generales, por lo que este artículo presenta los rasgos principales de estas formas de propiedad del suelo y un panorama amplio de su situación actual (basado fundamentalmente en el análisis del último censo ejidal).

Understanding changing land access issues for the rural poor in Uganda

Reports & Research
Abril, 2017

The ways in which people obtain land in Uganda are changing fast. Land that used to be secured through inheritance, gifts or proof of long-term occupancy is now more commonly changing hands in the market. Those with wealth and powerful connections are frequently able to override local rules and gain access to land at the expense of poorer individuals. Government-backed agribusiness investors receive large areas of land with benefits for some local farmers who are able to participate in the schemes, while other smallholders see their land access and livelihoods degraded.

Securing land inheritance and land rights for women in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2017

Women face many problems with regard to land inheritance and land rights in Kenya. Individual and community land ownership do not favour women. The reason for this is that ownership of land is patrilineal, which means that fathers share land amongst sons, while excluding daughters. This practice is traditionally widespread and partly accepted although it goes against the interest of women and is prohibited by the constitution.


Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2017

While women’s rights to land and property are protected under the Kenyan Constitution of 2010 and in various national statutes, in practice, women remain disadvantaged and discriminated. The main source of restriction is customary laws and practices, which continue to prohibit women from owning or inheriting land and other forms of property.

Land for infrastructure development: compulsory acquisition and compensation of unregistered/undocumented land in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2017

Kenya’s Vision 2030 aims at transforming the country into a newly industrialized middle income country

and infrastructural development is high on the agenda to achieve this. Competing land uses and existing

interests in land make the use of eminent domain by government in acquiring land inevitable. However

most of the land earmarked for compulsory acquisition comprises of un- registered land whose interests

From Risk and Conflict to Peace and Prosperity

Reports & Research
Enero, 2017
República Democrática del Congo

Amid the realities of major political turbulence, there was growing recognition in 2016 that the land rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities are key to ensuring peace and prosperity, economic development, sound investment, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Despite equivocation by governments, a critical mass of influential investors and companies now recognize the market rationale for respecting community land rights.

Large Scale Land Acquisitions for Investment in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2016

Land acquisitions, either driven by foreign investments or domestic investment needs have continued to polarize opinions. When this research was proposed, it was premised on arguments by scholars Ruth Meinzen-Dick and Helen Markelova, who had analysed agricultural land deals, and argued that there were potentially two schools of thought about foreign acquisitions over agricultural land.

Pueblo Huarpe de Guanacache: organización, lucha y resistencia

Policy Papers & Briefs
Septiembre, 2016

El Instituto para el Desarrollo Rural de Sudamérica (IPDRS) ofrece el presente artículo que surgió de la reflexión de la temática de tierras en Argentina. La autora hace una descripción de la problemática del acceso a la tierra y las acciones concretas que el Gobierno de ese país ha realizado para cambiar esa situación. De esta forma, el presente artículo sirve como un documento descriptivo del problema de la tierra y plantea una visión crítica a la situación actual.

Kenya - Community Land Act

Legislation & Policies
Agosto, 2016

From preamble: 

"An Act of Parliament to give effect to Article 63 (5) of the Constitution; to provide for the recognition, protection and registration of community land rights; management and administration of community land; to provide for the role of county governments in relation to unregistered community land and for connected purposes "