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Le droit foncier coutumier face au droit foncier moderne au Togo

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2014

L’un des problèmes cruciaux auxquels font face les peuples africains est celui de la gestion des terres fertiles. C’est le cas du peuple akposso. Dès les origines, ce peuple avait établi sa tradition dans le domaine foncier et n’était pas prêt à partager ses terres avec autrui. Mais pendant la colonisation, l’Allemagne et la France ont eu leurs propres codes fonciers. De même, en 1974, l’Etat togolais a entrepris une réforme agro pastorale. L’étude de cette évolution du droit foncier montre des différences entre le droit foncier coutumier akposso et le droit foncier moderne.

Autonomía indígena en Panamá: las comarcas indígenas

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2014

La Constitución Política de la República de Panamá de 1972 (CPR), “reconoce y respeta la identidad étnica de las comunidades indígenas nacionales”, y dispone que el Estado debe establecer programas tendientes al desarrollo de dichas culturas y su protección.  Este texto revisar la normativa legal que reconoce las comarcas indígenas como territorios indígenas autogobernados. 

Community and government: planning together for climate resilient growth

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2014

Planning for climate resilience growth is increasingly important for the natural resource dependent economy of Tanzania. Central government does not have the knowledge, reach, skills or resources needed to plan for the range of livelihoods within Tanzania; but local governments, if granted the authority and resources, could plan with communities in the flexible, timely and appropriate manner that climate variability demands.

Land laws amendment bills: a practitioner’s perspective on the land bills

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2014

The first set of the land laws were enacted in 2012 in line with the timelines outlined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010. In keeping with the spirit of the constitution, the Land Act, Land Registration Act and the national Land Commission Act respond to the requirements of Articles 60, 61, 62, 67 & 68 of the Constitution. The National Land Policy, which was passed as Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2009, arrived earlier than the Constitution, with some radical proposals on the land Management.

Power and Vulnerability Land Dispute Resolution

Reports & Research
Abril, 2014

Unfolding analysis reveals two types of land disputes prevalent in postwar northern Uganda: cases that involve a legitimate cause of action and those that do not.1 Since mediation and alternative forms of dispute resolution rely on parties’ willingness to negotiate in good faith, cases featuring ‘bad faith’ and land grabbing—where powerful parties intentionally exploit another person’s vulnerability in order to illegally2 claim land—pose a serious challenge for local land dispute mediators. Such mediators must wrestle with whether and how to remain neutral in the face of injustice.


Journal Articles & Books
Abril, 2014
A energia elétrica é uma das bases do desenvolvimento, consequentemente é um dos principais influentes na questão ambiental, estando no cerne das discussões do desenvolvimento sustentável.
A Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte construída no Rio Xingu, no município de Altamira no Estado do Pará, passou desde o seu primeiro projeto por várias mudanças e discussões, principalmente na questão das terras indígenas, causando impactos na organização físico-territorial e sociocultural, além do desequilíbrio nas condições de saúde e alimentação.
Este ar

Remembering Elinor Ostrom

Reports & Research
Marzo, 2014

This special issue of Policy Matters focuses on the outreach and impact of Dr. Elinor Ostrom's groundbreaking research on common property (or commons) theory. Her work was instrumental in shaping contemporary analyses of resource management and conservation, especially at a local level. This collection of research papers, essays, commentaries, and songs build upon her work and provide case studies demonstrating the practical application of her theoretical contributions. 

Land Rights Monitors and the Struggle for Land Rights in Agricultural Investment Areas

Conference Papers & Reports
Febrero, 2014

To ensure that there is sustainability at the community level in its land rights and governance training programme, Land Rights Research and Resources Institute (HAKIARDHI), a Tanzanian national level organization that spearheads land rights of small-scale producers, uses land rights monitors (LRMs) in its program areas. In each of the selected villages of the program districts, two LRMs (a man and a woman) who have received land rights training from HAKIARDHI are democratically elected by villagers.

Customary Law and the Protection of Community Rights to Resources

Manuals & Guidelines
Diciembre, 2013

We believe that law should in principle assist vulnerable communities in changing power relations. Law is fundamentally a ‘neutral’ set of rules that constrains power by requiring decisions and actions of those in power to comply with legal rules, rights and obligations. Unfortunately, we have seen the powerful appropriate law as a tool for only protecting and strengthening their interests.

Elements to re-think the communal: new forms of access to land and pressure on the resource in the communities of Colán and Catacaos

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2013

This article argues that there is a transformation in the relationship between land, peasant communities and its members or comuneros. In the case of the communities of the Peruvian northern coast, this transformation links with a double dynamic: (i) the increasing external pressure on the resource from the private-national and transnational capitals, and (ii) the emergence of new means and motivations of access to land among the communal members.