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Maps, not guns, resolve resource conflicts in Cambodia : researchers and villagers create a new model for resource policy in defending traditional land rights

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2006

Uncontrolled development was threatening to destroy the forest environment
and the traditional way of life of the hill people of Ratanakiri. Researchers
worked with the villagers to produce unique maps and resource use plans
that convinced the government of the people’s traditional resource use and
management rights, and eventually set an example for inclusion in new land
tenure legislation for the nation.

Options for developmental Land Administration Systems in the context of Communal Tenure situations; & implications for Service Delivery

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Mayo, 2005

“Land registration and cadastral surveying in much of the developing world has reached a crossroads. It is not possible to continue with business as usual in the face of massive informality within the world's cities, and new more relevant approaches have to be developed”. (Fourie, 2000).

Securing tenure at Ekuthuleni

Conference Papers & Reports
Septiembre, 2004

AFRA’s work at Ekuthuleni started in 1998. It’s now 2004, six years later, and we have to confess that we have failed. It is not possible to secure tenure at Ekuthuleni, for the purposes for which people want that security, within the current legal, technical and institutional frameworks. A small window of opportunity still exists that might allow us to reverse this judgement.

Law 445: Law of Communal Property Regime of the Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Communities of the Autonomous Regions of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua and of the Rivers Bocay, Coco, Indio and Maiz

Legislation & Policies
Diciembre, 2002

It is the ineludible commitment of the State of Nicaragua to respond to the claim for the titling of the lands and territories of the indigenous peoples and ethnic communities of the former Mosquitia of Nicaragua; right set forth in the International Treaties entered into between England and Nicaragua, such as the 1860 Managua Treaty and the 1905 Harrison-Altamirano Treaty. This right to the land is recognized in the 1987 Political Constitution of Nicaragua and the Statute of Autonomy of the Autonomous Regions of the Atlantic Coast.


Reports & Research
Abril, 2002

Government is frequently charged with failing to finalise key policies relating to traditional authorities, for example, local government roles and functions, and communal land tenure. Whilst it is true that important issues remain unresolved, it is also true that the issues themselves are very complex and that some have become so politicised that rational debate is hindered. This section addresses some of these policy areas in a manner which hopefully enables rational debates and viable solutions. 

Using local practices and records to secure individual tenure rights in common property situations

Conference Papers & Reports
Octubre, 2001

Communal tenure in South Africa has had rises and falls in favour. This section will look at the issue from a pragmatic perspective of choice. This involves assessing what issues inform whether South Africa can chose either to replace or to ignore communal tenure by analysing what is likely to remain the same politically, socially and economically for the foreseeable future and what the forces are changing this situation. This assessment then allows us to assert some practical, general principles that inform the two projects with which this paper is concerned. 

Distribution and Retention of Khas (state) Land in Bangladesh

Reports & Research
Marzo, 2000

From peoples' point of view, the issue of khas land is so much so neglected and non-transparent that no one even knows what is the amount of khas land available in Bangladesh. No comprehensive research work has so far been undertaken to assess the impact of distribution of the khas land on the poor, and the whole range of problems associated with the retention and non-retention of khas land by the poor including the role of the power matrix (agents of power structure) in the process of alienating the poor from their inherent rights to own the khas land.

Communal Property Associations Act

Legislation & Policies
Mayo, 1996

To enable communities to form juristic persons, to be known as communal property associations in order to acquire, hold and manage property on a basis agreed to by members of a community in terms of a written constitution; and to provide for matters connected therewith. (English text signed by the President.)

Land Policy and the Evolving Forms of Land Tenure in Masindi District, Uganda

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 1991

This paper examines the evolution and the nature of the current forms of land tenure in Masindi District and the extent to which these forms impair or facilitate positive socio-economic changes. Such an examination is vital in light of the fact that there exists no convincing empirically grounded studies on the impact of the official land policies on the relationships between forms of land tenure, social structure and agricultural production.

Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Amendment Act, 1991

Legislation & Policies
Julio, 1991

To provide for the upgrading and conversion into ownership of certain rights granted in respect land; for the transfer of tribal land in full ownership to tribes; and for matters connected therewith.
(Afrikaans text signed by the State President.)
(Assented to 27 June 1991.)
BE IT ENACTED by the State President and the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as follows: