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Land and forest tenure reform to support REDD+ implementation

Institutional & promotional materials
Agosto, 2018
Sierra Leone

Land and forest tenure systems greatly influence a country’s ability to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. Clear and legitimate tenure rights over forests can provide an incentive to manage forests sustainably and simultaneously reduce deforestation and forest degradation. In fact, communities and stakeholders with secure tenure rights have a strong interest in investing time and resources to maintain and enhance the natural capital under a long-term vision.

Urban land reform in Namibia

Agosto, 2018

This document outlines some pertinent questions regarding urbanization in Namibia, provides central policy recommendations and identifies relevant research gaps to guide the policy debate on urban land reform as part of the 2nd National Land Conference scheduled for 1-5 October 2018.

Gender and land compendium of country studies

Journal Articles & Books
Julio, 2018
Burkina Faso
South Africa

From the outset, the development of agriculture has been strongly associated with women’s endeavour. In fact, women’s contribution to agriculture goes back to the origins of farming and the domestication of animals when the first human settlements were established more than 6 000 years ago. Over the years, the division of responsibilities and labour within households and communities tended to place farming and nutrition-related tasks under women’s domain. Nowadays, in many societies women continue to be mainly responsible for family food security and nutrition.

The Environmental Consequences Of Peace With The FARC

Junio, 2018

Nature and Peace in Colombia: The dissolution of the FARC guerrilla in Colombia has made it safe to work in the rainforest again. Now, the region’s biodiversity is vulnerable to development and exploitation of natural resources. Subscribe to Journeyman here: “Many of the forests in the Andean region were preserved because the peasants and ranchers did not dare to visit their property”, says herpetologist John Lynch.


Institutional & promotional materials
Junio, 2018

The Association for Rural Advancement (AFRA) partnered with the Legal Resources Centre (LRC), a South African human rights organisation, to launch a class action lawsuit against the Government of South Africa on behalf of a class of farm dwellers known as labour tenants. Under the 1996 Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, labour tenants were granted rights to apply for ownership of the land they occupied. However, the government has failed to implement this law, and 19,000 labour tenant claims remain pending.

Land fragmentation and production diversification: A case study from rural Albania

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2018

We analyze the impact of land fragmentation on production diversification in rural Albania. Albania represents a particularly interesting case for studying land fragmentation as the fragmentation is a direct outcome of land reforms. The results indicate that land fragmentation is an important driver of production diversification of farm households in Albania. We find that land fragmentation stimulates significantly more diversification for subsistence farm households than for market-oriented households.

Urban Land Dialogue Series 2018

Conference Papers & Reports
Junio, 2018
South Africa

In March 2018, The South African Cities Network (SACN) hosted its second Urban Land Dialogues Series in the provinces of Gauteng, Eastern Cape and Western Cape. The dialogues took place during a week when land was receiving widespread attention, as all eyes were on the Gordon Institute of Business Science in Illovo where the President had convened a Summit to discuss details of agrarian land expropriation without compensation policy,Under the overarching theme of inclusive urban land transformation, the aim of these dialogues was to build better shared understandings of the many issues that

Midcourse Manoeuvres: Community Strategies and Remedies for Natural Resource Conflicts in Indonesia

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2018

Over the last 50 years, most Asian countries have gone through a shift from subsistence agricultural systems to industrialized economies. In Indonesia, the major shift came in 1966, when General Suharto successfully staged a military coup. Under his presidency, Indonesia experienced the “New Order”. A key aspect of this regime was trade and industrial expansion. Changes were made to foreign and domestic investment laws to facilitate growth, including the removal of most controls on private investments.


Kingdom of Lesotho: Land reform and rural transformation

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2018

The government of Lesotho’s (GOL) land reform efforts, enacted in the Land Act 2010, principally seek to create an environment that is favourable to agricultural development and economic investment.3 For years, Lesotho has lacked efficient land markets in which foreign investors could participate. The limitations on foreign landholding by the 1979 Land Act have presented impediments to improving the commercial use of land.

Quels droits fonciers pour les populations des zones forestières en République centrafricaine ?

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2018
Central African Republic

Comment s’assurer que le processus de réforme foncière en cours en République centrafricaine (RCA) garantisse une protection effective des droits des communautés forestières sur les terres ? Cette question centrale est envisagée notamment au travers de l’impératif de protection de l’environnement et des écosystèmes dont dépendent ces communautés pour leur subsistance et la préservation de leur mode de vie traditionnel.

L’étude y répond atour de deux pôles. L’analyse critique de la législation foncière centrafricaine (I) et des recommandations (II)

Market power and voluntary land redistribution

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2018
United States of America
South Africa
Southern Africa

Inequality in land ownership remains a major issue in many developing countries, such as Brazil, Colombia, and South Africa. Donors advocate a new model of "willing-buyer/willing-seller\", market-led land redistribution, but actual redistribution has fallen short of expectations. Little effort has been made so far to formalize the obstacles to market-led land redistribution.