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Nitrates Action Programme (Amendment) Regulations, 2015 (L.N. 94 of 2015).

Europa meridional

These provisions lay down amendments and addenda to the Nitrates Action Programme Regulations. New definitions are inserted in regulation 2 (livestock unit, deep litter system). The addenda concern exemptions for units of bovines, swine, ovines, caprines and rabbits, as well as production units of layer hens and broilers managed by a single farmer having an animal population equivalent or lower than the animal populations listed in Schedule IV (but in any case less than three livestock units).

Order No. 594 on commercial keeping of livestock, manure, silage.

Europa septentrional

The Order applies to all animal fertilizers (manure). Its purpose is to set regulations on standards for the establishment of animal keeping compounds and the storage of such biomass. In Chapter 2 it sets regulations on the establishment of facilities, as well as extensions and modifications thereof for animal husbandry; these shall not be authorized if causing pollution. Stables and similar enclosures for animals shall be designed so that contamination of groundwater and surface water does not occur. They must have floors constructed of durable materials which are impermeable to moisture.

Order No. 519 on subsidy for grazing projects on farms with buffer zones.

Europa septentrional

This Order aims to help promote grazing and thereby to ensure environmental value. The Danish AgriFish Agency shall regulate such provisions and allocate a funding framework of 15 million DKK to support grazing projects that can contribute to achieving the objectives of this Order. These projects shall however be subsidized if grazing occurs on farm land where buffer zones are found, requiring the need of establishing fences, ensuring drinking water supply and energy supply.

Order No. 520 on subsidies for Natura2000 projects of clearing overgrown areas for the preparation of pasture.

Europa septentrional

The Order aims to provide subsidy to clear overgrown areas which need preparation for grazing in order to ensure improvement of conservation of habitats and species in specifically designated areas set out by Natura2000. The Danish AgriFish Agency shall allocate 33 million DKK of subsidy for non-productive investments in the following areas: 1) clearing of overgrowth, including clearing of trees and removal of cleared plant material. Projects to be implemented in especially allocated Natura2000 areas of deforestation; 2) areas preparing for grazing.

Order No. 512 on the Danish AgriFish Agency's duties and powers.

Europa septentrional

The Danish Agri-Fish Agency is regulated by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and the purpose of this Order is to set regulations regarding the agricultural and fisheries development through the Agency's administrative supervision. The goal of this document is to implement the Ministry's business and environmental policies related to inspection, certification, consultancy and legal activities within the agriculture and fishery sectors.

Decreto Nº 38.022/MAG/H - Reglamento de la Ley Nº 9.071, Ley de regulaciones especiales sobre la aplicación de la Ley del impuesto sobre los bienes inmuebles.

Costa Rica
América central

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento a la Ley que tiene como objetivo su correcta aplicación para la preservación del uso de los terrenos dedicados a actividades de producción primaria agropecuaria, ya sea que estén inscritos o no en el Registro Inmobiliario, mediante una adecuada valoración para los efectos del cálculo del Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles, en la que el uso del suelo y la producción serán factores determinantes para definir la base imponible del impuesto.

Regulation on the content of the Action Programme for the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources.

Europa meridional

This Regulation prescribes the detailed content of the Action Programme for the protection of waters against the pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources on the territory of the Croatian Republic.The action plan contains all necessary rules and procedures also part of the international standards aimed to reduce the water pollution caused or induced by nitrates from agricultural sources and to prevent further or new pollution.

Smallholder Sugar Authority Order (Cap. 65:01).

África oriental

This Order, made under section 4 of the Special Crops Act, establishes the Smallholder Sugar Authority for purposes of promoting and fostering the development of sugar-cane grown by smallholders on lands held under a sublease from the Dwangwa Sugar Corporation Limited to the Authority. “Smallholder” means a person who has been granted a right of occupancy or a tenancy under the Special Crops (Sugar-cane) (Licensing) Regulations.

Order No. 1074 on rate interests of cyclical governmental loans to tenant farmers.

Europa septentrional

The Order sets guidelines for the regulation of interest rates applied to governmental loans to tenant farmers in accordance to article 26 of Order No. 662 of 14 August 1997 on governmental smallholdings and rents. The regulated interest rates in December 2012 with termination in June 2013 are reduced by half (for interest rates from 3 to 5%) and by 2.5% (for interest rates of 5.5% or more).

Implements: Act on land distribution and property trade for agricultural purposes (No. 1275 of 2010). (2010-11-02)

Ministerial Decree No. 538 amending Ministerial Decree No. 874 validating the Regulation on allocation of subsidies for partial compensation of expenditure of peasant farms for legalization of ownership of agricultural land.

Europa oriental

Item 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “2. Subsidies shall be allocated for cadastre work in the process of legalization of ownership of peasant farms to the plots of agricultural land.”

Amends: Ministerial Decree No. 874 validating the Regulation on allocation of subsidies for partial compensation of expenditure of peasant farms for legalization of ownership of agricultural land. (2011-10-31)

Resolución Nº 334/2012 - Créase el Programa de Inclusión y Desarrollo Rural.

América del Sur

Por la presente Resolución se crea el Programa de Inclusión y Desarrollo Rural, cuyo objetivo general consiste en promover el desarrollo productivo con inclusión económica, social, política y cultural de los agricultores familiares, pequeños y medianos productores y comunidades de pueblos originarios del territorio nacional, con equidad de género y generacional.

Acuerdo Nº 4 - Reglamento Autónomo para el Otorgamiento de Arrendamientos en Asentamientos Campesinos.

Costa Rica
América central

El presente Acuerdo aprueba el Reglamento Autónomo para el Otorgamiento de Arrendamientos en Asentamientos Campesinos, con la finalidad de asentar familias rurales y vincularlas a un régimen sano de posesión de la tierra, en procura de mejoramiento de su condición social y económica.

Implementa: Ley Nº 2.825 - Ley de Tierras y Colonización. (1961-10-14)
Enmendado por: Acuerdo Nº 33 - Modifica el Reglamento Autónomo para el Otorgamiento de Arrendamientos en Asentamientos Campesinos. (2013-10-07)