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Digital innovation with miniSASS, a citizen science biomonitoring tool

Diciembre, 2022

The mini stream assessment scoring system (miniSASS) was developed as a citizen science biomonitoring tool for assessing the water quality and health of stream and river systems. A miniSASS survey involves sampling the aquatic macroinvertebrate community in a stream or river reach and using the known sensitivities and tolerances of the taxa present to infer information about the water quality and health of the stream or river.

SpeedFlower: a comprehensive speed breeding protocol for indica and japonica rice

Diciembre, 2022

To increase rice yields and feed billions of people, it is essential to enhance genetic gains. However, the development of new varieties is hindered by longer generation times and seasonal constraints. To address these limitations, a speed breeding facility has been established and a robust speed breeding protocol, SpeedFlower is developed that allows growing 4–5 generations of indica and/or japonica rice in a year.

Training Course on Seed Collection & Conservation and Nursery Management of Indigenous Silvopastoral Species

Diciembre, 2022

In Tunisia, pastoral and silvopastoral lands play a crucial role as vital resources, constituting a substantial portion and significantly contributing to livestock feed requirements. Unfortunately, the excessive exploitation of these lands, involving overgrazing and wood cutting, has resulted in their deterioration and diminished productivity. Acknowledging the imperative for rehabilitation, the General Directorate of Forests (DGF) and the Office of Livestock and Pastures (OEP) are actively involved in restoration projects.

On-Job-Training in Rangeland Survey and Restoration

Diciembre, 2022

Rangelands in Tunisia, spanning approximately 5.5 million hectares, play a vital role in providing about 30% of livestock feed. However, widespread overexploitation, including overgrazing and wood cutting, has led to degradation and reduced productivity. To address this, a training initiative focused on rangeland survey, management, and restoration was conducted under the Livestock and Climate Initiative of OneCGIAR. The objective was to enhance the capacity of engineers and technical staff from relevant institutions.

Gamification in agriculture: A scoping study on opportunities and challenges.

Diciembre, 2022

This report investigates the application of game design elements in agricultural contexts to influence user behavior and outcomes. It examines the effectiveness of gamification in bridging the gap between knowledge and action among farmers, utilizing various strategies like simulations, goal setting, and social gaming. The study, helps in identifying pathways to help agribusinesses scale their operations, improve their product and channel more effective marketing strategies using game elements.

Ephemeral waters bodies, fodder and bushfire monitoring in Senegal

Diciembre, 2022

Climate change poses significant challenges to livestock systems worldwide, requiring urgent and innovative responses to ensure the resilience of these systems and the livelihoods that depend on them. This report presents the water, fodder, bush-fire and transhumance corridor monitoring system as well as the livestock climate information information dissemination in the pastoral zones of Senegal.

Food system resilience measurement: principles, framework and caveats

Diciembre, 2022
New Zealand

There is growing recognition that a better understanding of how food systems respond to crises is critical to build and protect the food security of local populations. But rigorous and reliable methods to measure food system resilience are still missing. In this paper, we build on the current literature to develop an analytical framework aimed at assessing the resilience of food systems at local level. The novel element of the analysis lies in the levels at which resilience is considered.

Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA): Climate services for farmers in Latin America and the Caribbean

Diciembre, 2022

Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) is an agricultural extension and climate services approach that supports farmers in making plans and decisions tailored to each farmer’s own ‘context’ in their production systems. It is implemented by facilitators (e.g., extension officers, non-governmental organisation field staff, community volunteers and researchers) through a series of meetings with groups of farmers.

Climate, peace and security programming in the Arab States: Considerations for integrated programming in Jordan, Yemen, Iraq and Somalia

Diciembre, 2022

The link between climate change and peace and security is becoming increasingly evident as the world grapples with the consequences of a warming planet. Climate change exacerbates existing inequalities and conflicts, and acts as a catalyst for new ones, as competition for dwindling resources, such as water and land intensify. Rising sea levels and extreme weather events displace communities, straining host communities’ resources, leading to potential social unrest. Additionally, climate-induced food and water scarcity can speak conflict over access to these essential resources.

Water-Energy-Food nexus symposium 2023 Agenda

Diciembre, 2022

The OECD predicts there will be 9 billion people on Earth by 2050. At the same time, it is anticipated that global water needs will rise by 55%, energy consumption by 80%, and food production by 60%, all of which could have an impact on land use patterns. In light of these forecasts, the importance of the Water Energy Food (WEF) nexus thinking is needed more than ever. In this symposium, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art, gaps and advances in WEF nexus research.

Unveiling diversity for quality traits in the Indian landraces of Horsegram [Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.]

Diciembre, 2022

Horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum [Lam.] Verdc.) is an underutilized pulse crop primarily cultivated in South Asian countries like India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. It offers various nutraceutical properties and demonstrates remarkable resilience to both biotic and abiotic stresses. As a result, it has emerged as a promising crop for ensuring future food and nutritional security. The purpose of this study was to assess the nutritional profile of 139 horsegram germplasm lines obtained from 16 Indian states that were conserved at the National Gene Bank of India.

Pumping behavior of solar irrigation farmers for assessing the sustainability of groundwater in Bangladesh and India

Diciembre, 2022

The increasing use of Solar Irrigation Pumps (SIPs) has raised concerns about the overexploitation of groundwater. So, this study aims to evaluate the impact of SIPs on pumping behaviour of farmers and its subsequent effect on overall groundwater resources in Bangladesh and India. In Bangladesh, the study is being carried out in the intensively irrigated North-West region, where the government is promoting the feefor- service model for solar irrigation. This model creates a solar irrigation command area by setting up centralized sponsored SIPs.