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In the fi rst part of the article we give an account of the urban transformations that took place in Latin American cities, especially in Argentina, with the implementation of neoliberal politics since the seventies. We assume that neither the architectural facts, let alone urban
transformations, there are isolated from the economic, political, and cultural factors establishing of societies, increasingly globalized societies. In the second part of the work, a case study, such non-exclusive, we are in the city of Cordoba, Argentina, and more specifi cally in Villa La Maternidad. The implementation of the Programme in 2004 "Mi casa, mi vida" ("My home, my life") by the provincial government involved the eviction of the families who lived in the villa. A program that is based on a restrictive and essentialist notion esencialita the right to housing, which considers only single physical unit (unit building, plot of land) as opposed to the design of housing and habitat. The evacuation meant for the families
involved a loss of spatial (Schapiram Prevot, 2001:49) and social capital, together with a social closure process, being limited and conditional access space considered as a social good.