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Community Organizations Global Environment Facility
Global Environment Facility
Global Environment Facility
International or regional financial institution


The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established on the eve of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, to help tackle our planet’s most pressing environmental problems. Since then, the GEF has provided $14.5 billion in grants and mobilized $75.4 billion in additional financing for almost 4,000 projects. The GEF has become an international partnership of 183 countries, international institutions, civil society organizations, and private sector to address global environmental issues.

The GEF’s 18 implementing partners are: Asian Development Bank (ADB), African Development Bank (AFDB), Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), Conservation International (CI), Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Foreign Economic Cooperation Office - Ministry of Environmental Protection of China (FECO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade (FUNBIO), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), West African Development Bank (BOAD), World Bank Group (WBG), World Wildlife Fund U.S. (WWF).

The GEF serves as financial mechanism for the following conventions:

The GEF administers the LDCF and SCCF which were established by the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC. The GEF also administers the Nagoya Protocol Implementation Fund (NPIF) that was established by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In addition, the GEF Secretariat hosts the Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat. 



Displaying 31 - 35 of 41

F.a: Cooperation for Adivasi livelihood rights by facilitating FRA-CFR process, post CFR management and docume


The Project will be implemented in a period of 18 months starting from April 2018 with focusing its activities on NAA East Zone Cooperation and advocacy for indigenous community socio cultural rights and forest based sustainable livelihood in collaboration with the following NAA East Zone partners: Adivasi Samta Manch, DISHA, Parivartan (Chhattisgarh), Paribartan (Odisha), Natya Chetana, Devote Trust, and DHARITRI. The main focus will be given on the follow-up of implementation of CFR (Community Forest Righ ts/Resources) under FRA (Forest Rights Act) till all the villages have got their community forest rights over Community Forest Resources including rights over the shifting cultivation area where Kutia, Baiga and other primitive Adivasis are practicing sin ce long time. Zonal initiative will ensure the CFR area with community forest boundary is properly identified and accepted by the community. It will ensure that 50 operational village of four States community has developed their CFR management and converge nce action plan. It will also develop Bio-protocol document of 50 villages in four States. NAA East Zone member organisations will give more priority on the capacity building of 800 community leaders (directly) and indirectly 10000 leaders including women, youth and traditional leaders for the sustenance of the program. Apart from these, it will also give importance on the Exchange dialogue process among Adivasi of NAA East Zone to find some solutions to their issues and challenges including strengthening t he socio-cultural and economic situation. Along with this, project will focus on the establishment of good relationship among the different Adibasis communities of other areas and mutual learning of good traditional practices for their better life and live lihood. It will also organise a Cultural Campaign for Advocating and supporting rights on forest, land and water and managing FRA-CFR in three States (Odisha and Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand) of East Zone starting from Bhubaneswar (Odisha) and ending at Ranc hi (Jharkhand). It will also ensure the visibility of NAA and spreading message of NAA in three States, highlighting the issue through media advocacy during the campaign. It will also create space in the National level through AIFFRS network to advocacy o n the FRA-CFR and Forest Governance issue to get the solidarity from the other groups and to bring policy level changes on this issue.

Kiwengwa-Pongwe Protection + Open Civil Society Project - KIPPO


Forest degradation is a major challenge in Kiwengwa-Pongwe Forest Reserve (K-PFR) in Unguja island Zanzibar. This is due to increased pressure by densely populated surrounding villages; 96% of the people use firewood as their primal source of energy. The c ommunities' livelihoods depend on the sustainability of the forest and its capacity to prevent erosion. However the villagers' awareness and means of sustainable forest use and awareness of land rights are inadequate.A forest protection NGO MUMKI has been registered in the area with the support of previous GST's project. MUMKI and Forest Conservation Committees (FCC) that carry out forest conservation activities consist of residents of villages around Kiwengwa-Pongwe (K-P). MUMKI works with DFNR that does n ot have enough resources for wholesome forest protection and there are no other forest protection organizations in the area. Therefore KIPPO aims to build MUMKI's capacity to manage as an independent NGO that can effectively protect the forest during and a fter the project. The aim is to develop civil society where people can democratically decide on the matters concerning their immediate surroundings. Objectives will be achieved by organizing trainings for MUMKI on association management and fundraising sup porting in establishing an office and assisting in networking and village visits. A coordinator who acts as a link between Finland and Zanzibar will be hired.MUMKI's activities include organising FCC patrolling in the forest and raising awareness in the vi llages about the importance of forest protection. During the project MUMKI will become a better known actor in the area; it will work as a source of information in livelihoods land rights and sustainable forest use. MUMKI organizes forest protection activi ties; 7000 tree seedlings will be planted to create an agroforestry buffer zone to reduce pressure on K-P forest. The villages that are the source of most pressure to K-P will be beneficiaries for MUMKI's pilot project in which sun ray cookers are distribu ted in order to decrease the need of firewood. MUMKI's funding opportunities broaden as local honey production is supported.

FLC/ZLA Secured Land Access and Rights for All (SLARA)


The overall aim of this project is to support communities to perform proactive and sustained participatory forest management that is fair adaptive and resilient to change thus maximizing the long-term positive outcomes for local people and the environment. The specific objectives include: Train and supervise three communities to undertake practical forest management through early burning-which increases forest productivity and reduces loss; Work with communities and district authorities to adapt three VLFRs to overcome land disputes and identify novel ways to safeguard them against future encroachment; and Provide training in three communities to improve VLFR governance and local capacity to effectively and transparently manage forest based income.Expected o utcomes and activities to be implemented under each outcome are: Communities are actively managing forests which are more productive as a result;- fire management training Practical early burning and Burned area monitored Participatory forest management i s adapted to mitigate land disputes and encroachment- Resurveying VLFR boundaries Negotiating revenue sharing with neighbouring communities Better community - level natural resource governance and accountability:- training on leadership and accountability Training on financial record keepingThe project will be implemented in four forest dependent rural communities in Kilwa District: Nanjirinji A with a population of 5 130 Likawage with a population of 5 994 Kikole with a population of 1 395 and Kisangi with a population of 924. thus the activities mentioned above are likely to benefit more than 15 000 rural Tanzanian.

F.a: Rights of Paliyan Adivasis for using and re-generating natural resources


The Paliyan are Adivasi people living in the South Western Ghats in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, and about 6000 families belong for those communities. They are traditional nomadic hunter-gatherers, living on the forest and commercial world is strange for them. Still some of them are living on the forest, but most of them had to change their traditional way of living and move away from the forest. Their culture is changing rapidly and their traditional way of living is threatened. The Government of India doesn’ t allow Paliyan people to collect forest products for their own use, but at the same time they allow commercial use of those same products. The Adivasi community people are very vulnerable and do not have any political voice for protect their community pe ople. They are very badly oppressed, exploited and discriminated in all forms of social system. They are not realized and aware about this current social system. This project aims to empower the Paliyan community people to ensure and practice their traditi onal, customary, democratic rights for dignity and sustainable life by ensuring their rights on forest land. It is also important to empower the Paliyar Adivasi community through mobilizing them into a movement for improving their social, economical and cu ltural status to lead a self-esteemed, dignity and sustainability life. The Paliyan Adivasi community people are the beneficiaries. They are involved in all levels of implementation of the project. Humane Trust, MMS and ARUDES accomplish this project and a ll of them are members of CAFAT.