The Bonn Challenge Barometer - Measuring restoration efforts | Land Portal

The Bonn Challenge barometer quantifies the progresses towards the implementation of the Bonn Challenge (a global effort to bring 150 million hectares of deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020 and 350 million hectares by 2030) and provides information to accelerate action and address implementation bottlenecks.

There are a wide range of tangible benefits associated with Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR), ranging from climate change mitigation, to biodiversity restoration and human well-being. Given this, the Bonn Challenge Barometer:

offers a systematic framework to take stock of progress, including hectares brought under restoration and a defined set of policy, regulatory, financial, and technical planning actions deemed important for achieving successful landscape restoration. It also supports pledgers to assess the impacts of their forest landscape restoration efforts and identify bottlenecks and resources to facilitate continued action.

(Source: Bonn Challenge Barometer - Progress Tracking Protocol, December 2018)


To date, 58 Governments, private associations and companies have pledged over 170 million hectares to the Challenge.



This indicator measures the area (in hectares) actually brought under restoration -and counted toward the Bonn Challenge Commitment- in each country.

Measurement unit: 
Hectares (ha)

This indicator measures the overall area (in hectares) committed under restoration in the context of the Bonn Challenge.

Measurement unit: 
Hectares (ha)

This indicator provides an estimate for the cumulative gross removal of CO2 from FLR activities included under the Bonn Challenge Commitment since 2011.

Measurement unit: 
Tonnes of C02 equivalent

This indicator mesures the total funding dedicated to facilitate and support FLR activities included under the Bonn Challenge Commitment in each country.

Measurement unit: 
Million US$

This indicator reflects one of the socioeconomic impacts of FLR activities under the Bonn Challenge.

Measurement unit: 
Number of jobs created

AFR100 (the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative) is a country-led effort to bring 100 million hectares of land in Africa into restoration by 2030. It aims to accelerate restoration to enhance food security, increase climate change resilience and mitigation, and combat rural poverty. 

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Today, our lives are much more interconnected with those of people living on other continents than ever before. We have many advantages because of that. However, it also means that we have greater responsibility than previous generations, because the international community is facing challenges for which it needs to find global solutions. Radical changes need to be made – at global level and as soon as possible. Germany is taking on its responsibility for that.

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