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Community Organizations Oxfam Novib
Oxfam Novib
Oxfam Novib
Non-profit organization


Mission and Vision

A just world, without poverty. That is our mission. We believe that people can build independent livelihoods, provided their rights are respected. That is why we help people around the world to stand up for their rights.

1. Right to sustainable livelihood resources

Everybody must be sure of a fair income and enough to eat. Yet this is not the case for 20% of the world’s population. That is why we are working on better access to land and water, and on fair working and trading conditions.

2. Right to basic social services

Education and health care are essential for building better societies. Yet even as we make progress towards universal primary education, around the world, there are still 130 million kids in school who fail to learn basic reading, writing and maths. When governments fail to deliver, Oxfam together with partner organizations invest in quality basic social services.

3. Right to life and security

Natural disasters, climate change and armed conflicts hit millions of people every year. We support them with relief aid and reconstruction. And we prepare people to prevent or mitigate the effects of disasters and conflicts.

4. Right to social and political participation

Knowledge is power. We believe that when people can participate in public decisions that affect them, they can build independent livelihoods and thriving communities.Together with partners we give people access to information and a voice.

5. Right to an identity

Gender inequality is both a violation of human rights and an obstacle to sustainable development. In a just world there is no place for the discrimination of women and minorities.

Our Core Values

When people’s basic rights are respected, we can rid the world of poverty and injustice. This is what we stand for:

  • Empowerment

We work on the basis of the power and potential of people. We provide practical and innovative solutions to empower people to build their livelihoods without poverty.

  • Accountability

We call on those in power to consider people in a vulnerable position in word and action.  And we of course account for our own work to governments, donors, supporters, volunteers, corporations and almost 17 million Dutch men and women.

  • Inclusiveness

We are all equal, irrespective of the accident of birth, gender, faith or sexual orientation. In all our work we give special attention to the position and rights of women and minorities. And given the potentially pivotal role of women as agents of change, gender justice is at the heart of everything we do.



Displaying 196 - 200 of 328






Target Groups

Kituo cha Sheria –Legal Advice Centre (hereinafter referred to as “KITUO”) is dedicated to empowering disadvantaged and marginalized individuals in Kenya by ensuring their effective access to justice and the enjoyment of their human rights. Its comprehensive range of initiatives includes in-house legal aid services, legal education and clinics, public interest litigation, research, advocacy, networking, community outreach, mobilization, and the empowerment of communities through paralegal training and connection to formal legal services. KITUO’s key areas of focus encompass land rights, labour issues, housing, succession, forced migration, and broader human rights concerns. KITUO aims to empower impoverished and marginalized communities in exercising their human rights while creating pathways for efficient access to justice. KITUO possess extensive experience in implementing projects within the prison system, enhancing access to justice within the criminal justice framework, and alternative justice systems. During the reporting period, KITUO successfully implemented activities supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands Embassy. The project aimed to strengthen access to justice for the poor and marginalized, employing various means such as legal aid provision through the MHAKI SMS platform, legal aid clinics, capacity building for community and prison-based paralegals, outreach efforts, advocacy for pro-poor policies, and public interest litigation. With the support of the Netherlands Embassy, KITUO significantly enhanced access to justice for the poor and marginalized. Trained paralegals and prison officers played a crucial role in this achievement, resulting in the acquittal of over 800 inmates and the issuance of non-custodial sentences for 700 individuals. This success contributed to the decongestion of correctional facilities, alleviating overcrowding and improving the living conditions for the remaining inmates. Additionally, the project facilitated expedited processing of cases within the prison justice system, as the trained individuals possessed a better understanding of legal procedures, enabling them to navigate the system more efficiently and ensure timely resolution of legal matters. To ensure the program's sustainability, the Training of Trainers (TOT) approach was incorporated. This equipped 275 community paralegals with training skills, enabling them to train others in the future and disseminate information to community members. In 2022, more than 1,000 cases in the target regions were handled at the grassroots level through the community justice centers. Legal aid provision through clinics and the MHaki SMS platform reached over 2,000 people. Furthermore, community radio broadcasts reached an impressive audience of more than 3.6 million people. The findings and lessons learned from this project will guide future initiatives focused on strengthening access to justice and promoting legal empowerment for disadvantaged individuals in Kenya. The partnership between Kituo Cha Sheria and the Kingdom of the Netherlands Embassy has played a vital role in supporting these endeavours and will continue to be instrumental in driving positive change in the justice sector. Dr Annette Mbogoh, Executive Director, Kituo Cha Sheria- Legal Advice Centre

Social Protection for Small Scale Farmer


CCFC, established in 2011, works in 10 provinces, covering 74 communities w/r to land rights and protection of natural resources. They organise, build the capacity of farmer communities, network at grassroots level in order to have one voice and to promote transparency and good governance by the government, donor community and private sector. For this program, CCFC will focus on linking social protection with food security and livelihood improvement for farmers groups in selected areas. CCFC will focus also on increasingwomen leadership into their interventions CCFC is currently working with 37 local farmer groups (80% female). Plans to increase to 40 groups by 2021. The project implement in Kampot, Preah Sihanouk, Prey Veng, Takeo, Svay Rieng, TbongKhmum, Kandal and Preah Vihear provinces.

Appui d’urgence en sécurité alimentaire aux déplacés, retournés et communautés d’accueil dans la zone de santé


Ce projet couvre un secteur prioritaire pour les ménages affectés par le mouvement des populations à savoir : la sécurité alimentaire. Il consiste à : Doter 2000 ménages vulnérables dont 800 ménages déplacés, 600 familles d’accueil, 600 ménages retournés, de moyens de production vivrière par la distribution des semences et d'outils aratoires, y compris la restructuration de 50 organisations paysannes Appuyer 2000 ménages en cash pour protection des semences. Ceci pour l’achat d’une demi-ration et la diversification de leurs moyens de subsistance en attendant la récolte En partenariat /conjointement avec l’IPAPEL, assurer les formations et l’accompagnement de bénéficiaires sur les techniques agroécologiques appropriées à la zone par la méthode de « learning by doing » dans les champs écoles paysans Le projet va aussi prévenir les différentes formes des violences et assurer la promotion de la cohabitation pacifique à travers les sensibilisations pendant la réalisation des activités, renforcer les mécanismes de gestion de plaintes dans le suivi et le Do No Harm dans tout le processus de mis en œuvre du projet. Un plaidoyer auprès des autorités locales et provinciales sera mené pour que les déplacés internes aient accès à la terre pour leurs activités agricoles et soient inclus socialement dans les zones où ils cherchent à s'installer dans un contexte de coexistence pacifique facilitant l'accès aux ressources communautaires telles que la terre. Christian Aid appuie dans la zone, le travail des comités locaux de gouvernance participative (CLGP) qui seront impliqués dans ce plaidoyer au niveau local.

Master's Degree Program in Urban and Regional Development(2022)


To enhance participants knowledge and experience in the field of urban and regional development including master planning land use planning real estate and housing development urban redevelopment and new town development


To enhance participants knowledge and experience in the field of urban and regional development including master planning land use planning real estate and housing development urban redevelopment and new town development

Au-delà des Frontières ADEPAE Phase II


Contribuer à la mise en #uvre de la feuille de route vers la paix par l#amélioration des relations entre les communautés locales etla gouvernance foncière dans les entités administratives des provinces du Nord et Sud Kivu. - #Faciliter la mise en #uvre des actions pour la feuille de route régional vers la paix à Masisi,Goma, Uvira et Fizi#. - Faciliter les liens entre les différents niveaux de la représentation communautaire au sein de #le Feuille de Route vers la Paix# - Renforcer les capacitésdes femmes et des jeunes en vue d#un plaidoyer pour la paix plus significatif dans les espaces et politiques locales et provinciales