The Republican Scientific Agricultural Library of the State Agrarian University of Moldova (Biblioteca Republicană Ştiinţifică Agricolă a Universităţii Agrare de Stat din Moldova) is a university library and national information and documentation center in agricultural science.
IRAS SAUM is the Institutional Repository in Agricultural Sciences of the State Agrarian University of Moldova that collects, preserves and provides access to articles published in the scientific journals, annals, conference and workshop papers, doctoral theses, educational materials created by academic community. IRAS is included in OpenDOAR, ROAR and DuraSpace Registry.
Displaying 6 - 10 of 48The influence of land relations on the legal forms of organization
The paper addresses a current issue related to the agricultural land relations of the Republic of Moldova. The analysis of the current stage of situation proves the priority of the private property in the agricultural land belonging to the legal forms of organization in comparison with the areas of the leased agricultural lands. Land relations reform in agriculture aimed at the privatization of land and other agricultural goods and implementation of market land relations.
Technical remediation and improvement activities of land use based on deforestation and levelling-modeling in the Republic of Moldova
Land improvement activities contribute to soil protection, create conditions to boost soil fertility and encourage more rational use of water resources. The paper is focused on investigating, planning, performing and maintaining the constructions related to water use or protection against destructive actions. The soil – being the main natural source of the Republic of Moldova and forming the base of its food security, economic potential and people welfare – becomes increasingly the subject to severe degradation processes in recent years.
Problemele relațiilor funciare în agricultura Moldovei
Acest articol este consacrat domeniului relațiilor funciare, în special celor agricole
și problemelor legate de reglementarea eficientă a lor în condițiile actuale ale dezvoltării societății. Din totalitatea problemelor nesoluționate în agricultura Republicii Moldova la etapa actuală autorul subliniază necesitatea obiectivă a dezvoltării bazelor metodologice a relațiilor funciare agrare, în scopul administrării durabile a resurselor funciare de către forme organizatorico-juridice, bazate pe diferite tipuri de proprietate.
Analiza cantitativă a sectoarelor de teren agricol din satul Corjeuți, raionul Briceni
This article presents a synthesis of analysis of how to use the most valuable natural
Probleme cu privire la elaborarea sistemelor informatice specifice domeniilor de activitate din Republica Moldova
The purpose of this article is to analyze the state of the IT systems specific to different areas of activity in the Republic of Moldova, aiming at informational provision, permanent monitoring and facilitation of the decision-making processes for sustainable development. The technical, economic, legal, social, methodological aspects of the elaboration and implementation of the specific IT systems as subsystems for the recording and management of real estate are studied.