Conflicto agrario | Land Portal





De la Asociación

a) Servir a los intereses científicos de la Sociología Rural y disciplinas afines promoviendo las investigaciones necesarias tendientes a alcanzar la comprensión y análisis de las problemáticas rurales latinoamericanas y acercarnos a la solución de las mismas.

ADC services respond to the needs of business and the community for confidence in the efficient resolution of disputes through best-practice ADR


Imazon (Imazon)

No final dos anos 1980, as imagens de destruição da Amazônia começavam a ganhar destaque na imprensa nacional e mundial. O desmatamento acelerado, as queimadas, a exploração predatória de madeira e a proliferação dos garimpos de ouro exerciam grande pressão ambiental e social sobre a região. Nessa época, o ecólogo norte-americano Christopher Uhl, então pesquisador visitante da Embrapa, realizava pesquisas sobre as áreas degradadas no leste do Pará e preocupava-se com o pouco entendimento e a escassa documentação dessas transformações na paisagem Amazônica.

The Journal of Internal Service is an organization at American University School of International Service. 

The Journal was founded in 1992 under the name Swords and Ploughshares – a name that represented the process by which a nation transforms from a state of war to a civilization of peace. The philosophy of the School of International Service is a milestone in civilization’s journey toward an international community based on mutual understanding and respect, a philosophy that the JIS strives to promote.

The Land Claims Court of South Africa logo

The Land Claims Court was established in 1996.The Land Claims Court specialises in dealing with disputes that arise out of laws that underpin South Africa's land reform initiative. These include the Restitution of Land Rights Act, 1994, the Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, 1996 and the Extension of Security of Tenure Act, 1997. The Land Claims Court has the same status as any High Court. Any appeal against a decision of the Land Claims Court lies with the Supreme Court of Appeal, and if appropriate, to the Constitutional Court.


The Toda Peace Institute mission is to promote a nonviolent, sustainable and peaceful world, by pursuing the following four visions:

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Conflictos agrarios, estrategias antagónicas en términos de acaparamiento del espacio o de apropiación de los recursos.

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