Reforma de la tenencia de la tierra | Land Portal



Africa Research Institute is an independent not-for-profit think-tank that was founded in February 2007. It is the only think-tank in the UK to focus exclusively on political, economic and social issues in sub-Saharan Africa. ARI strives to inform domestic and international policy making through publishing research and hosting interactive events. ARI’s mission is to draw attention to ideas or policies that have worked in Africa by highlighting and analysing best-practices in government, the economy and civil society.

The Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies was established as an independent Trust in 2002 to fulfil a need that had been observed through research, for a policy institute focused on addressing Africa's land and agrarian questions. The AIAS interacts with various organisations and countries to assist them in developing capacity for policy formulation and research. It also facilitates policy dialogue among governments, academics, civil society and others on land and agrarian development, especially the land rights of marginalised social groups.



De la Asociación

a) Servir a los intereses científicos de la Sociología Rural y disciplinas afines promoviendo las investigaciones necesarias tendientes a alcanzar la comprensión y análisis de las problemáticas rurales latinoamericanas y acercarnos a la solución de las mismas.

We are a not-for-profit organization supporting agrarian reform beneficiaries and their cooperatives.

We improve the lives of smallholder farming households by promoting access to productive resources and enabling them to make informed decisions about environment-friendly, non-discriminatory and sustainable livelihoods.
We believe in people-centred development and a faith that promotes justice, peace, and integrity to all people.

O Centro de Direitos Econômicos e Sociais (CDES) é uma organização não governamental de direitos humanos. Criada no ano de 2000, em Porto Alegre, dentro do contexto social e político de realização do I Fórum Social Mundial que acontecia na cidade naquele ano. is a new website providing practical help for public officials and politicians planning anti-corruption reforms.

We provide you with two tools

A practical five-step approach – summarised in the left side bar – helps you develop your own anti-corruption initiative, large or small.  The Steps can be accessed at any time from the top navigation bar.

O Espaço Feminista do Nordeste para a Democracia e Direitos Humanos é uma associação civil de direito privado, sem fins lucrativos, não partidária. O Espaço Feminista é uma organização não governamental feminista sediada em Recife, capital do estado de Pernambuco.

FoLT logo

Friends of Lake Turkana (FoLT) is a grassroots organization, that works with and on behalf of the communities within the greater Turkana basin to demand their collective social, economic, environmental, cultural and territorial rights. Recognizing the anti-patriarchal struggle is a vision expressed in all areas of our work. Our mission is to; demand environmental and climate justice; secure land and territorial rights; advocate for meaningful participation of citizens in budget making processes, resource governance; and provide for women-led community advocacy

IOS-Fair Transitions

Over 50 scholars from a wide variety of disciplines have joined IOS Fair Transitions, a platform of the Institutions for Open Societies (IOS) at Utrecht University. 

Law & Society Trust

The Law and Society Trust (LST) is a legal research and advocacy organisation founded in 1982 in Colombo, Sri Lanka by the late Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam. Our goals are the promotion of legal reforms for access to justice, justiciability of rights, and public accountability

Hay 2,512 elementos de contenido relacionados con Reforma de la tenencia de la tierra en Land Portal.

A government policy of splitting up agricultural land and dividing it up between those people who do not own any land.

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