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Community / Land projects / Emergency assistance to 750 IDPs households (5250 individuals) through cash transfers, protection, and WASH to

Emergency assistance to 750 IDPs households (5250 individuals) through cash transfers, protection, and WASH to


10/17 - 04/18


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While the majority of moderately food insecure and severely food insecure populations in the Eastern provinces (including 53% in Kunar and 64% in Nangarhar including 68% of IDPs) , MADERA and SHPOUL have decided to respond to the emergency’s needs of improving the food consumption score of IDPs households through cash grants and improve their water and sanitation condition through establishing safe and clean water access infrastructure while taking into accounts their protection measures. In Kunar, the markets of Dara-e Pech (Nangalam) and Khas Kunar (Tanar and Arazi) are accessible and various food and non-food items are available including wheat flour, pulses, vegetable oil, local rices, salt and sugar to provide 2100 Kcal/person/day for one month to constitute an appropriate food basket and Nangarhar is similar – (Sukhrod district headquarter Bazar, the other local markets such as Muimobark Bazar , Sutltan Poor Bazar, Chamttala Bazar, Shekh Massry Bazar and other villages’ bazar) with availability of the same products mentioned to fill the basic needs of the population with possibilities for women to access those areas easily. The aims of helping them to buy nutritious food and understand the values of non-harming coping mechanisms in nutrition are mainly to ensure timely provision of affordable and dietary efficient food to avoid malnutrition. Nevertheless, as WFP pointed out, staple food’s price has been increasing due to the higher demands. MADERA wants to encourage the local market to flourish through its cash grants approach, The cash distribution seems to be an effective solution to enable the most vulnerable IDPs to cover their immediate basic needs particularly in terms of food access especially since markets of Dara-I-Pech, Khas Kunar and Surkh Rod are efficiently functioning. According to OCHA, cash assistance remains a “way to enable families to decide for themselves how best to meet their own needs” and to respond to their most urgent ones. This need responding approach is meeting two criteria: - Re-establishing linked to the market which will benefit the host communities - Empowering the most vulnerable that cannot access work through helping them to establish livelihoods MADERA and SHPOUL will obviously focus as well on ensuring timely access to a sufficient quantity of safe drinking water, use of adequate and gender sensitive sanitation and appropriate means of hygiene practices by the affected populations by linking rehabilitation of WASH infrastructures to the Citizen’s Charter implemented by DACAAR in the Eastern regions by promoting hygiene practices, rehabilitation of boreholes, water treatments in general to ensure limitation of diseases spread out through lack of sanitation appropriateness and release the burden on malnourished populations. Lack of drinking water and job opportunities are a few of the catalyst causes of facing hardships through displacements while land disputes add further tensions to the current humanitarian crisis. MADERA and SHPOUL through awareness campaigns dedicated for IDPs on their rights to land in the context of displacement and particularly affecting women,will ensure contribution to best-knowledge and practices which will enhance IDPs’ access to livelihoods in the longer term to find area of land to cultivate afterwards as everyone is entitled to a safe home. The 2 NGOs will liaise with relevant humanitarian partners in the area to reach out the most vulnerable and protect the dignity and diminish the suffering of women and children.

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