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Community / Land projects / Emergency Shelter for Returnees in Anbar

Emergency Shelter for Returnees in Anbar


05/18 - 12/18


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In line with the Iraq HRP, the 1st allocation for 2018, and the Shelter Cluster priorities, as well as a recent ZOA field assessment, this project aims to provide extremely vulnerable returnee households in in Al Qaem, Obaidi and Rumanah with safe shelter. The projects is based on a tailored approach, taking into account the household vulnerability and level of the family shelter damage, including the following: 1. Provision of Sealing-Off Kits to 650 returnee families. Of this number, 250 vulnerable families will be supported in installing the SOKs in their houses. 2. Provide emergency shelter repairs for 140 extremely vulnerable returnee families residing in category 2 war-damaged houses. To identify and prioritize the needed support, ZOA and local partner will assess the household vulnerability and level of damage, and select extremely vulnerable families who need house repairs and/or ‘quick solution’ SOKs. For category 2 damaged houses, the project team will provide the necessary construction materials, engineering support and include the community in labour. House repairs according to the minimum standards for shelter in emergency and according to the Iraq Shelter Cluster guidelines, to support safe returns. Shelter repairs will provide protection, safety, as well as a level of dignity to returnees in west Anbar. Of the 650 families supported with the SOKs, 400 families will receive a SOK kit via distribution (incl. installation tools) and 250 vulnerable families, selected through vulnerability assessment, will receive support of a team to install the SOK in their houses. The SOK will include tarpaulin, a mat for flooring, plastic sheeting, foam spray, rope and other quick solution tools to protect the house from extreme weather conditions. The project will form and train volunteer shelter committees in each of the three locations that will participate in the vulnerability and shelter assessments, support community inclusion and promote Housing, Land and Property rights (HLP) as well as promote awareness related to unexploded ordnance (UXOs/mines). The HLP sub-cluster will be consulted with regards to land rights in Anbar. The messages of the HLP cluster will be disseminated to volunteer shelter committees. The proposed intervention builds on ZOA’s experience in shelter support, especially in relation to the Mosul response. ZOA has successfully implemented shelter projects, with a focus on out-of-camp populations, in category 2 shelter rehabilitation, provision of SOKs to returnees (experience with both via distribution and with installation team) and provision of vouchers for shelter repairs in urban Mosul.

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