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Countries Australie related News


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23 Novembre 2022
  Le Canada accueillera du 7 au 19 décembre la quinzième réunion de la Conférence des Parties à la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique. Cette COP devra valider le prochain cadre mondial de la biodiversité pour la décennie 2020-2030. Les négociations attendues à Montréal porteront sur la version…
16 Mars 2022
Des systèmes au bord de la rupture. C’est le sous-titre du dernier rapport de la FAO sur l’état des ressources en terres et en eau. Parmi les pistes de solutions, le Cirad plaide pour des approches territoriales et des processus participatifs de prise de décision. Ces outils puissants permettent la…
8 Mars 2022
ONU Climat Infos, le 8 mars 2022, La journée internationale de la femme est l'occasion de célébrer le rôle essentiel joué par les femmes dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques, et de réfléchir aux défis qui restent à relever. La communauté internationale ne pourra atteindre les…
3 Avril 2020
A crise sanitária levou ao encerramento de todas as atividades não-essenciais, está a provocar a falência de muitos negócios e as autoridades temem que várias centenas de milhares de australianos fiquem sem emprego   O primeiro-ministro australiano, Scott Morrison, incentivou os seus cidadãos a…
24 Février 2020
The community of One Mile Dam in Darwin has been home to Aboriginal people for thousands of years, but residents fear they could soon be pushed out to make way for inner-city developments. A sacred site with deep cultural connections, it’s one of about 40 town camps across the Northern Territory…
6 Février 2020
Lessons on Indigenous knowledge, relocation and government aid “If anyone tells you, ‘This is part of a normal cycle,’ or, ‘We’ve had fires like this before,’ smile politely and walk away, because they don’t know what they’re talking about,” said Greg Mullins, who has fought Australian fires for 47…
30 Janvier 2020
In the wake of devastating bushfires across the country, and with the prospect of losing a billion animals and some entire species, transformational change is required in the way we interact with this land. Australia’s First Peoples have honed and employed holistic land management practices for…
29 Septembre 2019
he Northern Territory government released its long overdue draft Aboriginal justice agreement (AJA) this month. With the highest incarceration rates in the country (almost 1,000 prisoners per 100,000 people) and the highest proportion of Aboriginal prisoners in the country (84% of the overall…
30 Juillet 2019
A NORTH Queensland court has recognised the Widi people’s ancestral connection to a quarter-of-a-million hectares in the Isaac region. At a special hearing on-country at Nebo today the Federal Court formally recognised the Widi people’s native title and interests over 249,766 hectares of land and…
16 Juillet 2019
Queensland Deputy Premier Jackie Trad has announced that the state will begin a conversation about a pathway to treaty with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In doing so, Queensland joined Victoria and the Northern Territory in formally commencing treaty processes. This is a…
5 Juin 2019
Like many other Aboriginal kids in 1938, Isabel Flick was denied an education because she was “too black” to be allowed into the segregated public school. Her father, a returned serviceman, was disrespected by the nation he had fought for. She and her siblings faced the threat of being taken from…
15 Mai 2019
MOST people have heard of the historic 1992 High Court Mabo Decision and the Native Title Act 1993. However, many people may not be aware of the NSW State Government Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (ARLA) and its impact. Sometimes too, there is confusion between the two acts, but they are two…