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Countries Afrique australe related Blog post

Afrique australe

Displaying 37 - 42 of 42
4 Février 2019
Date: 29 janvier 2019 Source: Le Collectif TANY souhaite à l’ensemble de la population malgache que l’année 2019 soit meilleure que les précédentes et surtout que les changements qui surviendront suite aux élections présidentielles de décembre 2018 amélioreront les…
28 Décembre 2018
Date: 26 décembre 2018 Source: Farmlandgrab, TV5 Monde À la veille de l'annonce des résultats provisoires de la présidentielle, un des sujets qui inquiètent la population est celui de l'accaparement des terres agricoles par les multinationales. Dix ans après l'affaire Daewoo Logistics, on fait le…
Exciting news! Ashoka, the International Anti-Corruption Conference and Transparency International have teamed up to launch the first ChangemakerXchange in Southern Africafrom 2 – 5 October in Johannesburg, South Africa. In Africa, one in every two people needing to access land-related services…
By Ian Scoones, Professorial Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, and the Director of the ESRC STEPS Centre at Sussex The expansion of sugar production in southern Africa has been dramatic. From its early beginnings in Natal to the huge commercial estates across the region established…
By Mary Jane Ncube, Farai Shone Mutondoro and Manase Chiweshe As political parties gear up for the 2018 national elections in Zimbabwe, urban land appears to be emerging as an important campaigning tool for ruling party Zanu PF.  Amid recent mass public protests against corruption, economic decline…
Fifteen bright young minds from Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe came together recently to brainstorm innovative solutions to combat land corruption affecting their communities. Participants were brought to South Africa for an intensive three-day workshop, where they were mentored…