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Countries Égypte related News


Displaying 13 - 24 of 30
29 Avril 2021
Ceci est une ré-post d'une annonce antérieure, maintenant axée sur l'Amérique latine et les Caraïbes, l'Afrique de l'Ouest francophone et la région arabe   La Fondation Land Portal recherche trois consultants régionaux dynamiques et très motivés pour mener des recherches sur le contexte de la…
29 Avril 2021
Ceci est une ré-post d'une annonce antérieure, maintenant axée sur l'Amérique latine et les Caraïbes, l'Afrique de l'Ouest francophone et la région arabe   La Fondation Land Portal recherche trois consultants régionaux dynamiques et très motivés pour mener des recherches sur le contexte de la…
6 Mars 2021
O Presidente egípcio rejeitou hoje a intenção da Etiópia de prosseguir com a segunda fase de enchimento da barragem no Nilo Azul, durante a primeira visita ao Sudão desde a destituição do antigo presidente Omar al-Bashir.   "Rejeitamos a política de impor um facto consumado e alargar o controlo…
4 Février 2021
The Arab Land Initiative, facilitated by the Global Land Tool Network and UN-Habitat, is launching a call for proposals to solicit the interest from organisations working in the Arab region to the twinning arrangement initiative. The initiative aims at pairing two organisations from countries in…
4 Février 2021
L'Initiative des terres arabes, facilitée par le Global Land Tool Network et ONU-Habitat, lance un appel à propositions pour solliciter l'intérêt des organisations travaillant dans la région arabe pour l'initiative de jumelage. L'initiative vise à jumeler deux organisations de pays de la région…
8 Octobre 2020
The Dutch LAND-at-scale program was launched in March last year and since then, two rounds for land intervention ideas have been released. The program seeks ideas that contribute to improving land governance in developing countries, and that ultimately support better food and nutrition security,…
25 Mai 2020
The LAND-at-scale programme got a great response to the second call for ideas. The programme received 25 new ideas from 19 different countries. Support continues for enhancing land governance and tenure security. This is evident in the response and effort from embassies, NGOs and knowledge…
26 Avril 2020
Estão abertas inscrições para o Prêmio GoGettaz Agripreneur Prize, que é uma competição pan-africana de jovens empreendedores (as) inovadores (as) que buscam a oportunidade de financiamento de projetos no setor agroalimentar no continente Africano.   As inscrições serão julgadas para premiar dois…
22 Avril 2020
Egypt’s Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Rania Al Mashat joined a high level virtual panel on the significance of international developmental cooperation to face the implications of the coronavirus pandemic on the agricultural sector and food security. The panel was organized by the…
3 Février 2020
Global Land Alliance seeks a dynamic, highly motivated and self-propelled consultant to engage with a wide range of regional stakeholders to increase engagement with the Prindex initiative, encourage the utilization of its research findings for policy reform, and expand the initiative in specific…
19 Décembre 2018
After a successful first Arab Land Conference, the Call to host the Second Arab Land Conference is now open! The first Arab Land Conference Hosted by the Emirate of Dubai, UAE, the First Arab Land Conference took place on the 26-28 February 2018 and was co-organised by the Dubai Land Department,…
21 Juillet 2017
Date: 16 juillet 2017 Source: Ouest France Des affrontements entre des habitants d'une île du Nil au Caire et la police qui tentait de les expulser pour occupation illégale ont fait un mort et 56 blessés dimanche, a annoncé le ministère égyptien de l'Intérieur. Le président égyptien Abdel…