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Countries Libéria related News


Displaying 25 - 36 of 148
6 Décembre 2022
O Land Portal está contratando pesquisadores(as) com experiência na Libéria, Serra Leoa, Zimbábue, Sudão, Moçambique, Gana e Gâmbia. Aplicar até 20 de janeiro.​ Descrição do trabalho​ Cada consultor(a) realizará uma pesquisa documental completa e conduzirá um estudo de escopo no respectivo país…
20 Octobre 2022
22 Communities dispossessed of their customary land sue Salala Rubber Corp and the Liberian Government.     Residents of 22 indigenous Kpelle communities, dispossessed of their customary land, cultural sites, and livelihoods, have filed a groundbreaking legal action against the Salala Rubber…
11 Mai 2022
Nairobi/Rome, le 11 mai 2022. Alors que la guerre en Ukraine fait grimper les prix des aliments, des carburants et des engrais à des niveaux record et menace la sécurité alimentaire dans bon nombre des pays les plus pauvres du monde, le Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA), un…
24 Mars 2022
Foto: IRRI Photos O engenheiro agrónomo guineense José Filipe Fonseca defendeu hoje que o arroz da Guiné-Bissau foi levado para o continente americano por pessoas vendidas como escravizadas, assim como utensílios de cultivo. "Os escravos da África Ocidental, da Guiné-Bissau, do Senegal, daquilo que…
9 Décembre 2021
Green Advocates International (GAI), Alliance for Rural Democracy (ARD), Natural Resource Women Platform (NRWP) recently launched the Community Advocacy for Land and Livelihood Support (CALLS) project. Launched under the theme: “Communities Defend human rights within rubber concession’ , the…
30 Novembre 2021
L’Autorité nationale des pêches et de l’aquaculture (NaFAA) du Liberia s’apprête à lancer en collaboration avec la Banque mondiale, un diplôme en sciences halieutiques en 2023. La formation se déroulera à l’Université du Liberia. Selon Emma Metieh Glassco, directrice générale de la NaFAA, la…
6 Octobre 2021
  Du 12 au 14 octobre, le Ministère togolais de l'Urbanisme, de l'Habitat et de la Réforme foncière et l'Autopromotion rurale pour un développement humain durable (ADHD) co-organiseront la 3e Conférence régionale des institutions foncières nationales sur la sécurisation des droits fonciers…
12 Août 2021
IPNEWS – Monrovia: Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) and Milieudefensie, a Dutch NGO, have accused the oil palm company Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL) of not living up the full commitment of the memorandum of understanding it signed with communities in within its concession areas. At a press…
27 Juillet 2021
The Land Portal Foundation and Open Data Charter intend to implement the Open Up Guide for Land Governance in the period 2021 - 2024. As part of this project, we seek to develop State of Land Information (SOLI) reports for 10-12 countries in Africa and Latin America. The SOLI reports will provide…
27 Juillet 2021
The Land Portal Foundation and Open Data Charter intend to implement the Open Up Guide for Land Governance in the period 2021 - 2024. As part of this project, we seek to develop State of Land Information (SOLI) reports for 10-12 countries in Africa and Latin America. The SOLI reports will provide…
27 Juillet 2021
The Land Portal Foundation and Open Data Charter intend to implement the Open Up Guide for Land Governance in the period 2021 - 2024. As part of this project, we seek to develop State of Land Information (SOLI) reports for 10-12 countries in Africa and Latin America. The SOLI reports will provide…
27 Juillet 2021
The Land Portal Foundation and Open Data Charter intend to implement the Open Up Guide for Land Governance in the period 2021 - 2024. As part of this project, we seek to develop State of Land Information (SOLI) reports for 10-12 countries in Africa and Latin America. The SOLI reports will provide…