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Countries Soudan related News


Displaying 37 - 48 of 84
25 Mai 2022
L'écrasante majorité des investissements fonciers en Afrique ne prend pas suffisamment en compte les populations locales, d'après un rapport du Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement paru lundi. Une situation qui a aussi des conséquences négatives pour…
24 Février 2022
Após décadas de práticas agrícolas ruins, Lago Chade desaparece, gerando uma onda de fome, migrações, conflitos por terra e fortalecimento do terrorismo O lago Chade, um corpo d'água gigante compartilhado por 4 países africanos - Nigéria, Niger, Chade e Camarões - secou finalmente, após anos de…
2 Décembre 2021
The Inter-Governmental Authority on Development is pushing for gender parity in land ownership in the region. At a July 28 meeting in Nairobi, seven ministers from member states signed a document titled Regional Women's Land Rights Agenda, which will serve as the foundation for improving policies…
20 Octobre 2021
With a total of 65 participants (37% women) from 14 countries (Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Pakistan, Sudan and Uganda) the 10th and last Capitalization Meeting of the EU Land Governance Transversal Project, was virtually…
27 Septembre 2021
Foto: Rita Willaert/Flickr Na África, um drama expulsa o outro: o conflito da Etiópia e Sudão Há quase 60 anos, o agrônomo francês René Dumont escrevia o livro, “A África negra começou mal” (1962), em tradução literal da língua francesa, com um diagnóstico contrário ao otimismo que prevalecia nas…
13 Août 2021
ISTANBUL, 13 Août (KUNA) – La Turquie a le droit d’exploiter 100 mille hectares (un million d'acres) de terres agricoles soudanaises, selon un accord entre Ankara et Khartoum. « Nous voulons renforcer la coopération dans le domaine de l'agriculture, et il a été décidé lors des entretiens fructueux…
7 Août 2021
Durante sua visita a Cartum, o ministro das Relações Exteriores da Argélia, Ramtane Lamamra, proporá a mediação de seu país para a disputa pela Grande Barragem do Renascimento Etíope, informou a Agência Anadolu na sexta-feira.   Lamamra iniciou uma viagem diplomática por vários países africanos…
27 Juillet 2021
The Land Portal Foundation and Open Data Charter intend to implement the Open Up Guide for Land Governance in the period 2021 - 2024. As part of this project, we seek to develop State of Land Information (SOLI) reports for 10-12 countries in Africa and Latin America. The SOLI reports will provide…
27 Juillet 2021
The Land Portal Foundation and Open Data Charter intend to implement the Open Up Guide for Land Governance in the period 2021 - 2024. As part of this project, we seek to develop State of Land Information (SOLI) reports for 10-12 countries in Africa and Latin America. The SOLI reports will provide…
27 Juillet 2021
The Land Portal Foundation and Open Data Charter intend to implement the Open Up Guide for Land Governance in the period 2021 - 2024. As part of this project, we seek to develop State of Land Information (SOLI) reports for 10-12 countries in Africa and Latin America. The SOLI reports will provide…
27 Juillet 2021
The Land Portal Foundation and Open Data Charter intend to implement the Open Up Guide for Land Governance in the period 2021 - 2024. As part of this project, we seek to develop State of Land Information (SOLI) reports for 10-12 countries in Africa and Latin America. The SOLI reports will provide…
27 Juillet 2021
La Land Portal Foundation et Open Data Charter ont l'intention de mettre en œuvre le guide Open Up pour la gouvernance foncière au cours de la période 2021 - 2024. Dans le cadre de ce projet, nous cherchons à développer des rapports sur l'état des informations foncières (SOLI) pour 10 à 12 pays d'…