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Countries Amérique du Sud related News

Amérique du Sud

Displaying 433 - 444 of 583
26 Avril 2019
Cerca de 4 mil pessoas marcham pelo centro de Brasília, segundo organizadores; PM estima público de 2,5 mil. Veja fotos.   Indígenas entram em espelho d'água do Palácio da Justiça durante marcha do 15º acampamento Terra Livre — Foto: Marília Marques/G1DF   Indígenas de todo país, reunidos em…
26 Avril 2019
Nemompare, Ecuador, 27 Abr 2019 (AFP) - As lanças e os dardos envenenados estão à mão, sempre prontos contra os invasores. Mas, desta vez, o povo indígena Waorani do Equador, que vive na floresta amazônica, luta para que os juízes "kowori" (estranhos) impeçam a temida chegada das companhias…
25 Avril 2019
Escalation of violence against indigenous groups in Brazil pushes growing number of native women to lead the movement. Sao Paulo, Brazil - Celia Xakriaba was 13 years old when she joined the fight for indigenous rights. Her indigenous Xakriaba community is one of the few who survived the…
24 Avril 2019
This week, thousands of Indigenous People from all over Brazil are gathering in the capital to demand their human rights and changes to political decisions that threaten their survival Since the new Brazilian government came to power under President Bolsonaro, commitments to dismantle the rights…
23 Avril 2019
A recently ended six-month occupation of a public square in central Asunción by the Tacuara'i community has brought attention to systemic violations of the land rights of indigenous groups in Paraguay. Español. We've come to recover our land,' said Vicente Montanía, 'Life is much better there. We…
23 Avril 2019
Muitos são guerreiros, que se defendem atacando e ainda usam arco e flecha. Outros são caçadores-coletores. Há entre eles nômades, capazes de construir uma moradia em poucas horas e abandoná-la dias depois. Do pouco que se sabe sobre povos indígenas em situação de isolamento, é possível afirmar que…
22 Avril 2019
The Kayapó war cry resounds deep in the Amazon, the world’s largest rainforest. Four dozen warriors, their headdresses made of yellow and red macaw feathers, stand in the village clearing, carrying shotguns and war clubs. Warrior women, the crowns of their heads shaved, sing high-pitched war cries…
18 Avril 2019
Apesar da obrigatoriedade da função social da terra prevista em constituição, aos latifundiários tudo é permitido, inclusive exigir reintegração de posse de uma propriedade situada em área de proteção ambiental e com R$ 27 milhões de dívida de impostos com a união. É o que descreve a nota pública…
18 Avril 2019
The Wampis is an indigenous group comprised of thousands of members whose ancestors have lived in the Amazon rainforest of northern Peru for centuries. Mounting incursions by loggers, miners and oil prospectors, as well as governance changes that favored industrial exploitation, left the Wampis…
17 Avril 2019
Peru - To legally obtain title to their community lands, indigenous people in the Peruvian Amazon must navigate a maze of legal paperwork and technical steps that can take as long as a decade to complete. The process is frustrating not only for the villagers, but also for the government officials,…
12 Avril 2019
Waorani people accuse Ecuador of violating their rights and putting their territory up for international oil auction. Puyo, Ecuador - More than 200 indigenous Waorani people and their supporters marched to the court in the Amazon city of Puyo on Thursday to begin their high-stakes hearing against…
9 Avril 2019
Ação identificou crimes cometidos por não indígenas que insistem em ocupar ilegalmente o território, no Maranhão   Iniciada no dia 13 de fevereiro, a fiscalização em andamento nas Terras Indígenas Awá-Guajá, Caru e Alto Turiaçu, no Maranhão, identificou crimes cometidos por não indígenas que…