Meeting Name: Committee on Forestry (COFO) (16th Session)
Meeting symbol/code: COFO 2003/6
Meeting Name: Committee on Forestry (COFO) (16th Session)
Meeting symbol/code: COFO 2003/6
Situacin de los bosques del mundo presenta, cada dos aos, un anlisis de la situacin de los bosques del mundo, de los principales acontecimientos institucionales y de poltica y de los problemas a los que se enfrenta el sector forestal.
Meeting symbol/code: EFC 00 5
Data will be collected by remote-sensing techniques, through national reports, and by scanning existing inventories. The information would then be collated, analysed and computerized. An effective model would be constrycyed, from which caution and danger areas would be identified, and an alarm system organized for warning governments. Where, for example, the world's thermic balance is altered by the destruction of forest areas, the programme would be in a position to recognize this phenomenon and to adise onh extensive afforestation or reforestation schemes.
La question des femmes et de la sylviculture est par consquent intimement lie celle plus gnrale des relations entre les femmes, l'alimentation et l'agriculture, qui seront mises en lumire cette anne dans tous les pays lors de la Journe mondiale de l'alimentation, le 16 octobre. En consacrant le prsent numro d'Unasylva au thme de cette journe mondiale: Les femmes dans l'agriculture, tel qu'il se transpose la fort, la FAO souhaite faire plus qu'veiller l'attention sur les proccupations et les besoins des femmes rurales.
A detailed presentation of forestry development in China covering its role in the socio-economic environment, in timber production and trade and the protection of ecosystems. Trends are identified and national plans outlined. An analysis of wood and non-wood product markets is given
This report describes a model that has been produced to help forestry administration staff in Suriname to calculate roundwood production costs and economic rent. It includes a detailed description of how to use the model, which could be used in other countries.
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
This document is the final report for the Turkish pilot site of the component of the project "Maximize the production of goods and services of Mediterranean forest ecosystems in the context of global changes". It contributes to the production of data and development of tools to support decision and management of vulnerable Mediterranean forest ecosystems affected by climate change and the ability of these forest ecosystems to adapt to global change.
Meeting symbol/code: NAFC 2000 4