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Issuessystèmes agroforestiersLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 37 - 48 of 124

Understanding the links between agriculture and health: Agriculture, food, and health: perspectives on a long relationship

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2006

Agriculture produces food fundamental for human health. It therefore seems obvious that agriculture, food, and health are related! Agriculture affects whether people have enough food to eat, whether it is of sufficient nutritional value, and whether it is safe, all of which affect human health. But it is not so simple: history has taught that there are different ways of looking at the relationships between agriculture, food, and health. Agricultural connections to food and health are mediated by the natural environment, human culture, and technological change.

Building on successes in African agriculture

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2004
Afrique sub-saharienne

Agricultural growth will prove essential for improving the welfare of the vast majority of Africa’s poor. Roughly 80 percent of the continent’s poor live in rural areas, and even those who do not will depend heavily on increasing agricultural productivity to lift them out of poverty. Seventy percent of all Africans— and nearly 90 percent of the poor—work primarily in agriculture. As consumers, all of Africa’s poor—both urban and rural—count heavily on the efficiency of the continent’s farmers.

Understanding the links between agriculture and health: Occupational health hazards of agriculture

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2006

"Agriculture is the main source of livelihood of the majority of people affected by HIV and AIDS globally, and it is being progressively undermined by the disease. In Sub-Saharan Africa AIDS is affecting the rural landscape in ways that demand a rethinking of development policy and practice, and parts of South Asia may soon face a similar situation.... There is clearly tremendous scope for agricultural policy to become more HIV-responsive, both to further AIDS-related objectives and to help achieve agricultural objectives. Yet there are no magic bullets.

Improved fallows in Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2004
Afrique orientale
Afrique sub-saharienne

This case study explores the development, dissemination, adoption, and impact of improved tree fallows in rural western Kenya. The processes of technology development and dissemination throughout the region are described and analyzed. To analyze adoption and impact, the paper applies a variety of different data collection methods as well as samples from both pilot areas where researchers maintained a significant presence and non-pilot areas where farmers learned of the technologies through other channels.

Understanding the links between agriculture and health: Fish and health

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2006

"Agriculture is the main source of livelihood of the majority of people affected by HIV and AIDS globally, and it is being progressively undermined by the disease. In Sub-Saharan Africa AIDS is affecting the rural landscape in ways that demand a rethinking of development policy and practice, and parts of South Asia may soon face a similar situation.... There is clearly tremendous scope for agricultural policy to become more HIV-responsive, both to further AIDS-related objectives and to help achieve agricultural objectives. Yet there are no magic bullets.

Derechos de propiedad, acción colectiva y agrosilvicultura

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2004

La agrosilvicultura trata sobre los sistemas agrícolas integrados, en que los árboles juegan un papel prominente. La agrosilvicultura puede proporcionar una variedad de funciones o beneficios para los agricultores y las comunidades. Los más fáciles de identificar son los productos forestales utilizados por los humanos: leña para fuego, madera, vigas, frutas, medicinas y resinas. Un segundo grupo de beneficios consiste en los servicios que proporcionan los árboles a otras actividades agrícolas de los agricultores: abono vegetal, sombra, conservación de los suelos y estacas.

Construindo um diálogo: Feminismo e Agroecologia

Journal Articles & Books
Février, 2005

En el medio rural brasileño, las relaciones sociales, históricamente complejas, todavía esperan cambios fundamentales en la garantía de la democracia, la ciudadanía y la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente. Esta entrevista gira en torno al tema de la necesidad de cambiar las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres en el campo. No hay respuestas definitivas todavía, pero hay debate intenso que se extiende por todo el país.

Payments for soil carbon sequestration – “A good incentive for soil conservation”

Journal Articles & Books
Juillet, 2013

Soil carbon is important for soil structure and related nutrient and water holding properties. Increasing soil carbon stocks results in improved crop growth and contributes to enhanced climate resilience. In addition, the increase in soil organic carbon through sustainable agricultural land management (SALM) practices, such as the use of cover crops, residue management and agroforestry, will also reduce the need for synthetic nitrogen fertiliser at a given level of crop production.

Método de análise econômico-ecológica de agroecossistemas

Manuals & Guidelines
Février, 2017

Este documento apresenta um método de análise econômico-ecológica

de agroecossistemas. O desenvolvimento do método se fundou

na necessidade de dar visibilidade a relações econômicas, ecológicas

e políticas que singularizam os modos de produção e de vida da agricultura

familiar, povos e comunidades tradicionais e que têm sido

historicamente ocultadas ou descaracterizadas pela teoria econômica

convencional. As contundentes evidências empíricas do fracasso dos

Olhares Agroecológicos: Análise econômico-ecológica de agroecossistemas em sete territórios brasileiros

Journal Articles & Books
Février, 2017

A ideia de produzir este livro teve origem em um esforço compartilhado por organizações e redes vinculadas à Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia (ANA) de sistematizar evidências dos benefícios do enfoque agroecológico na gestão técnico-econômica da agricultura familiar, aqui apreendida em suas variadas formas de organização produtiva e expressão identitária.